Does God Tempt Us? (LD 52; 1 Peter 5:6-11)

James assures us that God does not tempt us. Christ commands us to pray that our Father would not lead us into temptation. Does this show that James contradicts Christ? We know that he does not because temptation also means testing. So, we are praying that the Father would not test us beyond what we can bear.

God Doesn't Want Sacrifice (Hosea 6:4-7:2)

We hear the apostle Paul exhort us to live as living sacrifices before the Lord. David confesses that the Lord does not want burnt offerings and Hosea echoes David's confession. So, how do we live as living sacrifices and honor our God? We will see that our God calls us to live before him with a sincere heart tuned into his purpose.

The Untamed Lion (Hosea 5:8-6:3)

Jacob declares that Christ is going to be the lion of Judah. This is a lion who is going to fight on behalf of his people. However, what happens when his people lose the sight of God? Is he merely vindictive seeking to destroy? We will see that God is not vindictive, but seeks to shepherd his people even in the midst of discipline.

God’s Unnoticed Signature (LD 50; Acts 14:16, 17)

We can loose sight that God provides for this while creation. The Apostle Paul reminds the mission field that God's continual care demonstrates his commitment to this creation. We think of the Lord reminding Job in Job 38:13-18 about the Lord's care for the careless ostrich. This is not an invitation for us to take God's faithfulness for granted, but to be even more confident to place all our requests before his throne of grace trusting in his provision.

God’s Discipline Published (Hosea 5:1-7)

We can attack the Lord and accuse him of many things. This is not right, and our accusations are not justified. However, human beings continue to attack God. We do not realize that God publishes many warnings, God is very long suffering, and ultimately God is merciful even though we may deny this reality. This is not a call for us to question God, but a call for us to reevaluate how we view God. Notice, this is not saying that God has changed, but a call for us to change. We can see that even in the midst of his judgment his mercy is manifested.

Discerning the Right Will (LD 49; Romans 12:1, 2)

It would be nice if the Lord would just tell us what he wants us to do. It would be nice that in every circumstance the Lord would tell us what is right and wrong. However, God did not create robots. He desires for us to consciously pursue him. So, when we pray this request we are asking the Lord to accomplish his will, and what we would do his will for his glory.

Sin Is Unfulfilling (Hosea 4:10-19)

When Satan stood before Adam and Eve in the garden of eden he gave them the seduction and the allure of freedom. They could be like God and God would have to bow to their will. Adam and Eve discovered that Satan is a liar in that moment. We also discover that sin's appetite is never exhausted and it can never be quenched. Hosea gives the examples of this from Israel's depravity, but also teaches us that God's redeeming mercy can reach deeper than our depravity and sin.

Realizing Christ’s Kingdom (Romans 16:20; LD 48)

Christ commands us to pray that his kingdom would come. Our desire is to see his kingdom advance knowing that it is his kingdom and not our kingdom. We are called to be aligned with God's purpose in this kingdom and so we are praying that the Lord would continue to orient us with a heavenly perspective on this Christian pilgrimage.

The Problem with Religiosity (Hosea 4:1-9)

People say that they want Christianity, but they do not want the religion. There is no doubt that there have been many hypocrites in the church who have done atrocious things in the name of Christ. However, we fail to ask, "Is that Christianity?" This is what Hosea addresses. Hosea warns a very religious people to stop trusting in their religion, and trust in their God.

Sanctifying God's Name? (LD 47; Matthew 6:5-15)

Christ teaches us to pray that the Lord's name would be hallowed. This means that the Lord will make his name holy. This is a strange request considering that God is holy. So, why ask the Lord to make his name holy?

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Removing our Shame (Hosea 2:14-23)

The Lord promises to transform his people. This is not some outward makeover, but internally. We will move from being people enslaved to Baal's ownership and idolatry to a people transformed by the Lord. How much we need to take comfort in the Lord showing his mercy and compassion to us in Christ Jesus. #expositorypreaching #hoseaseries #gospelpreaching

Listening to the Lowly (LD 45; James 1:5-7)

James reminds us that our view of God is our problem. If we think that God is distant or we do not think that God is near us then we need to change our focus. You see God is with us and is literally a prayer away from our conscious pursuit. If we doubt our strength or our ability to find our way through this age we are to ask God for wisdom. We might not even know that our problem is lacking wisdom until we learn what scripture teaches us regarding wisdom.

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Warning to Wooing (Hosea 2:2-15)

Hosea speaks the word of the Lord to God's people. The Lord calls God's people to one last time of repentance and reformation. They are facing another time in the wilderness. We might think that all is lost as Israel wanders through the dry and dusty land because the Lord's purpose has failed. This is not the case because the Lord will walk with his people in the midst of their testing.

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Why the Law of God? (LD 44; Phil. 3:12-16)

We are a people who will always struggle in sin on this side of glory. One would think that we would never want to hear about the Lord's holiness. This is something that would potentially discourage us from pressing forward in the Christian life. However, we are exhorted in Paul's writings to keep pushing forward. The law of God is a good, it is the Lord's righteous standard, and so we lay out why the Lord's law is something that we should continually hear and be exhorted to conform to the Lord as we walk in Christ.

#expositorypreaching #lawofGod #christianstruggle #sanctification

God's Faithful Promise (Hosea 1:10-2:1)

It seems that the Lord's purpose has failed. His people that he has promised to redeem he calls not his people. They are no longer the Lord's special people where the Lord communes in their midst as the Lord promises to send them into exile. If the prophet Hosea ended at verse 9 we would have a hopeless story of redemption. However, the Lord remembers his promise. The Lord teaches that his people need to be born from the heavenly reality. The Lord needs to bring in a new creation so that his people have life. The Lord vows to rename Hosea's children assuring us that the Lord's purpose is not complete.

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Do I Steal? (LD 42; Luke 16:1-13)

We an always redefine the Lord's law to be very easy. We will find that in our definition of the law we are doing pretty well at keeping it out of gratitude. The truth is that we struggle, we fail, and we are called to continually grow in our conformity to God's standard. There are also things that we are called to do in light of God's standard.

#stealing #obeyingGod #godsstandard #livingingrace

Go with God’s Blessing! (Hebrews 13:20-25)

We leave worship with God's blessing. Hebrews gives us a very rich blessing. We go in the confidence of the Lord's preserving mercy in Christ. This is a benediction that assures us of God's redemption, his grace, and his power. We conclude the letter to the Hebrews and show how the benediction wins us over to God's favor.

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God's Exclusive Temple (LD 41; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

We can think that God is absent from us or that what we do in the flesh is rather inconsequential. However, we are reminded that we walk in Christ as his redeemed saints. Christ is in us by his spirit and we walk through this age as the Lord's redeemed. We are temples of the Holy Spirit. This means that we are called to live exclusively to the Lord in our thoughts, words, and deeds. We are reminded to live this out as God's temple people.

#temple #livinginchrist #gospelpower