God's Deliberate Discipline (Hosea 11:12-12:14)

We can wonder as God's people if God is for us or against us. We should see that Israel is certainly a unique place in covenant history. They model heaven on earth, but demonstrate that we need a savior. Israel shows that despite the Lord's redemptive mercy their hearts can still wander from the true God. Israel is the model of heaven on earth, but communicates we will never bring heaven on earth. Israel also reminds us that the Lord can discipline his people. We might feel as if God is distant, but Hosea reminds us that the Lord is shaping his people even when he feels distant.

The Eagle Has Turned (Hosea 8:1-14)

The Lord protected his people as an eagle hovering over its young. The Lord saw to it that he continued to protect his people so that they survived their wilderness time. The Lord is the great protecting Eagle. However, the Lord now uses the nations to come against Israel. They are the eagle poised to attack God's people. We might think that God has given up his purpose for his people. However, Hosea gives a subtle reminder that the Lord will use Egypt again to reshape and mould his people.

Warning to Wooing (Hosea 2:2-15)

Hosea speaks the word of the Lord to God's people. The Lord calls God's people to one last time of repentance and reformation. They are facing another time in the wilderness. We might think that all is lost as Israel wanders through the dry and dusty land because the Lord's purpose has failed. This is not the case because the Lord will walk with his people in the midst of their testing.

#expositorypreaching #hoseaseries #lifeinchrist

Our Wilderness Wandering (Hebrews 3:7-19)

The people of Israel set the pattern for God's redemptive program. We see that God redeems, leads through the wilderness, and then brings his people into their rest. This precedent shows us that the problem is never with God, but with his people. We are warned not to fall away in the wildness time of testing. The call is that we continually see the goodness of our God who has redeemed us.

#wildernesswandering #christiantesting #christisenough #christianexodus

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Jesus’ Tempations (Matthew 4:1-11)

We believe that Jesus is Immanuel or God with us.  He is enters history to save his people from their sins.  So, if Christ’s mission is to save his people from their sins then why is he wasting his time in the wilderness?  Why would Christ spend this time being tempted rather than just go to the cross? How can these temptations be so essential for Christ’s mission?  How can these temptations be essential for Christ’s mission to save his people from their sins? 

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Stall (2) (Numbers 20)

What is so rebellious about Moses striking the rock two times?  We might think that this is a question that is out of line, but Moses is commanded to strike the rock in Exodus 17.  Why is it okay for him to strike the rock in Exodus 17, but not okay for him to strike the rock in Numbers 20?  What does Moses do that is so bad?  Is God just a moody being who judges people in a very vindictive and unpredictable way?  What did God intend the people to see through Moses?