God's Exclusive Temple (LD 41; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

We can think that God is absent from us or that what we do in the flesh is rather inconsequential. However, we are reminded that we walk in Christ as his redeemed saints. Christ is in us by his spirit and we walk through this age as the Lord's redeemed. We are temples of the Holy Spirit. This means that we are called to live exclusively to the Lord in our thoughts, words, and deeds. We are reminded to live this out as God's temple people.

#temple #livinginchrist #gospelpower

Live a Pure Beloved Children (Ephesians 5:2; LD 41)

On the one hand we might feel good about ourselves because we have never had an affair.  We might think that we are better than the ones who have committed such a sin.  On the other hand we might feel horrible about ourselves because we have had an affair.  How do we humble ourselves in the Lord?  How do we approach the Lord appropriately even as struggling sinners?  Why would we humbly desire to offer ourselves to the Lord? How do we move beyond our struggle in sin to stay focused on the proper goal?