Called to Worship (Psalm 40; Hebrews 10:5-7)

The Lord calls us to worship and to make the Lord our focal place.  When we are called to worship as a people what is the basis of the Lord calling us to worship?  How are we called out of the world to Worship our God and our King?

Exhorted to Worship (Hebrews 10:25)

The people who receive the message from Hebrews seem to be struggling to keep their faith.  The author in Hebrews exhorts them to keep their faith.  Why would they want to keep their faith?  What does worship have to do with them keeping their faith?  How can such an old exhortation still be relevant today?

Cross Examination (Malachi 1:6-14)

The Lord has established for Israel that the Lord really does love Israel.  The Lord is also one who has been faithful to the promises of the covenant of grace.  The Lord has delivered, defended, and deposited Israel right where they need to be.  Now the Lord turns to cross examine Israel.  Have they loved the Lord as they should?  How has Israel failed to love the Lord?

Let the Trial Begin (Malachi 1:1-5)

Israel has a checkered past and some struggles in their faithfulness to the Lord.  Now, Israel is in a place where she is sort of in the land, but not fully enjoying all the benefits of the Lord.  Israel wants to know if the Lord really loves the younger son, and so they ask the Lord if he really loves Jacob.  So, does the Lord love Jacob and how do we know?

Corporate Cleansing (Isaiah 6:1-13)

Isaiah the prophet is called into the most holies of places.  You would think that he would be overjoyed to encounter the full holies of our Lord, but he is overwhelmed by his placement in the true temple.  Why is Isaiah so upset and concerned?  This is a prophet set apart unto the Lord and so what does he have to worry about?  What is the Lord ultimately going to do to set aside this man’s fears, but at the same time equip this man to come into HIs holy presence?

Corporate Dialoguing (Joshua 24)

When we meet together for worship it might be something that has become rather rote.  We rise, we sing, we listen, and we might think that there is not much we can glean from worship because the experience is not what we expect it to be.  Is this a problem with worship or a problem with us?  What is really going on between God and HIs people even if the Ark of the Covenant is not present with us?

Concluding Confidence (Philemon 17-21)

Paul concludes his letter to the church with the assurance of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ being conferred to this church.  Why do we study this letter and why does it matter that there are all these men are mentioned in the conclusion of the letter? Why do we want to study this old letter today?

Brotherly Appeal (Philemon 8-16)

Paul has the authority of an apostle.  This means that Paul can give a command and it is as if Christ gives the command.  Paul makes a big deal not to appeal to his apostolic authority when he exhorts Philemon.  Why does Paul use so many words rather than simply write, “I command you to forgive your brother who ran away!”  Why does Paul try so hard not to constrain Philemon through forceful words?

A Worshipping Community (2) (Genesis 15)

Abraham is one who has called out of his land, away from his father, and away from idolatry.  He is called to worship the one true God.  Does this mean that only those who are genetically tied to Abraham have life in Abraham?  How do we know that the blessings for Abraham are for the nations rather than one nation or nationality?

A Worshipping Community (Genesis 4:1-16)

We know that the fall of mankind radically changes human history.  It also changes how we relate to God.  Can we have a relationship with the Lord once again?  What does that relationship look like after God pronounces a curse upon man and this creation?  Can man really worship the one true God?

Thanking God (4-7)

Paul is thankful for this man who creates more stress for Paul while Paul has enough to think about while being in Prison.  Why is Paul thankful for this additional work?  What can Paul celebrate in the midst of his circumstances?  What does this teach us about a true grace-centered and Gospel-centered joy?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Israel (Genesis 32:22-32)

We conclude our series regarding our Christian sojourn or as have titled it, “Sojourning Under the Sun.”  As we summarize and conclude this series an important question is: what is Israel?  Is Israel someone who lived in history, a nation, a people in a land, or a people that have ceased to exist with the coming of Christ?  These are important questions to define Israel.  So, what do we do with the nation of Israel?

The Christian Household (Colossians 3:18-4:1)

The Apostle Paul exhorts children to obey their parents for this is pleasing to the Lord.  It is not a surprise to us that Paul would exhort children to obey their parents, but what does this imply about their status in the church?  Why is the context of their exhortation so significant? Why is it important that this exhortation seems to echo the Old Testament?  What could this imply about children being in covenant with the Lord?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Benediction (Revelation 22:17-21)

The book of Revelation concludes with a blessing, but there is a warning in the midst of the benediction.  Why would John give us a warning in the midst of the blessing?  Does this imply that we cannot freely draw near to the Lord?

God’s Goodness (Job 42:10-17)

This is the conclusion to the story of Job.  This is a book that has a lot of twists and turns, and we are left in the story a bit curious about the Lord’s plan for this man.  Is this man just going to suffer?  Is this man going to be made whole?  What can such suffering teach us about the Gospel?