Concluding Confidence (Philemon 17-21)

Paul concludes his letter to the church with the assurance of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ being conferred to this church.  Why do we study this letter and why does it matter that there are all these men are mentioned in the conclusion of the letter? Why do we want to study this old letter today?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Citizens (2) (Matthew 5:1-16)

Christ takes his stand to teach his disciples after doing great things like healing people.  Why would Christ waste time teaching like this when he could heal people of their infirmaries?  What is the point of this teaching?  What is this teaching communicating to us regarding our Christian Sojourn?

Life Has its Benefits (Ecclesiastes 9:1-12)

There is the temptation to read Ecclesiastes and think that maybe there is not much of a reason to live.  The preacher seems rather cynical when he talks about life under sun.  Such negative talk could leave someone with the impression that there is no reason to live nor are there any benefits to life.  Is this really what the preacher is saying?  Should we really think that there are no blessings of life under the sun?