Moved by the Spirit (2 Peter 1:21; BC 3)

We might wonder if the Scriptures go beyond their original context. 2 Peter 1:21 makes explicit to us the trustworthiness and divine authority of Scripture. Peter is assuring us that the Bible isn't a collection of human ideas or insights, but rather a divine revelation. The prophets were not just inspired, but moved by the Holy Spirit, ensuring that what they wrote was God's truth, not merely their own thoughts. The Scripture is not subject to the changing opinions of humans, but is a reliable, unchanging guide given by God Himself. We are called to align our opinions with the Scripture, discerning its truth, and not align Scripture to our convictions.

Declare or Receive Scripture? (BC 5; 1 Thessalonians 2:13)

Paul commends the Thessalonians church because they "received the word of God." This is a very important point that Paul is making. The church did not declare the scriptures and Paul did not declare the scriptures. He is an apostle, but even an apostle has to submit to the scripture. So we see what the Belgic Confession is teaching us that scripture testifies to its own authority, and the Holy Spirit also continually bears witness to the word of God.

How Do We Persevere in Truth? (2 Timothy 3:10-17)

Paul has warned us about false teachers and our need to be discerning. The struggle we can have is when do we know the truth and when do we not know the truth. This is where Paul assures that the Lord has given us his proof and it is sufficient for us to know right from wrong.

Heeding the God of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16,17)

As we profess to be Christians we are called to live our lives for our Lord as living sacrifices.  Our catechism summarizes this so well when it states that we live our lives out of gratitude for our Lord because He has redeemed us.  So, how do we learn what living for the Lord looks like?  How do we know if we are living for the Lord?

Sojourning Under the Sun: Sabbath Benediction (Revelation 22:17-21)

The book of Revelation concludes with a blessing, but there is a warning in the midst of the benediction.  Why would John give us a warning in the midst of the blessing?  Does this imply that we cannot freely draw near to the Lord?

Elihu's Apologetic (Job 32:1-22)

Prior to Job 32 there have been a lot of words, speeches, and exchanges about suffering.  The speeches are frustrating because there is no resolution on the horizon.  The counselors and Job are finally finished with their bantering, but the book is not resolved.  Job is the last one to speak, but his words are not all that God glorifying.  Is there another man who can step up and offer some wisdom, offer some insight, or maybe a different perspective?  We meet Elihu.  Who is this man, and why has he been silent for so long?