God’s Exclusive Worship (LD 35; 2 Kings 18:4, 5)

The Lord calls us to worship him exclusively. We can be creative in our worship. We struggle to follow the Lord and to follow him exclusively. We see this in Judah and also note Hezkiah reforming worship.

Heeding the God of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16,17)

As we profess to be Christians we are called to live our lives for our Lord as living sacrifices.  Our catechism summarizes this so well when it states that we live our lives out of gratitude for our Lord because He has redeemed us.  So, how do we learn what living for the Lord looks like?  How do we know if we are living for the Lord?

Called to Orderly Worship (1 Corinthians 14:33)

Sometimes we can think that worship is merely rote or just part of our routine.  We can think this sometimes because worship seems too orderly.  Do we have a Biblical basis for an orderly worship service?  

Corporate Dialoguing (Joshua 24)

When we meet together for worship it might be something that has become rather rote.  We rise, we sing, we listen, and we might think that there is not much we can glean from worship because the experience is not what we expect it to be.  Is this a problem with worship or a problem with us?  What is really going on between God and HIs people even if the Ark of the Covenant is not present with us?