Beyond Stealing (Galatians 6:1-10 (LD 42)

There are many theories on how to manage money.  We could say that we manage it well because we give a lot to the Lord.  The issue is why are we being generous?  Is it because we believe that the Lord will return our money tenfold?  Are we doing it because our conscience has been bound to do so?  Are we doing it because we know that the Lord loves a cheerful giver? These are questions that impact our generosity and how we should value the Lord and the things of the Lord.  Sometimes we try to be generous because we think that our generosity will be rewarded by God rather than because we know our generosity honors the Lord.  So, how do we manage our finances, our lives, and positively strive to be generous for the glory of the Lord? What is involved in our keeping the commandment that requires us not to steal?

Live a Pure Beloved Children (Ephesians 5:2; LD 41)

On the one hand we might feel good about ourselves because we have never had an affair.  We might think that we are better than the ones who have committed such a sin.  On the other hand we might feel horrible about ourselves because we have had an affair.  How do we humble ourselves in the Lord?  How do we approach the Lord appropriately even as struggling sinners?  Why would we humbly desire to offer ourselves to the Lord? How do we move beyond our struggle in sin to stay focused on the proper goal?

Murder: Forgive as Forgiven (Colossians 3:1-17 (LD 40)

We can think that it is easy not to commit murder because all you have to do is not take someone's life. If it were that easy then we could see the Ten Commandments as a simple to do list of ten things to do each day. However it seems that it might be a bit more complicated than not literally taking a human life. So, how complicated or big is this issue?  How do we know we conforming to the Lord?

Honor Authority (Colossians 3:17-4:1; LD 39)

It is tempting to think that maybe Paul is clueless about contemporary struggles or maybe he just does not understand our current struggle in this advanced age.  How does Paul exhort us in such a way that what Paul says to the first century church is just a relevant to the 21st century church?

Living in the Name of the Lord (Colossians 3:7-17 (LD 36))

I am sure that we have all heard that claims about God being some sort of mean ogre just waiting to swat disobedient children.  So, you obey this God only because it is better to obey Him than disobey Him.  People can claim this, but just because someone makes the accusation against God it does not mean it is true.  So, why would we want to obey and honor the name of the Lord above our name?

Why Trust in One God? (James 1:17 (LD 34))

There is a famous statement that you do not want to put all your eggs in one basket.  The point is that if you drop that basket it breaks all the eggs leaving you with nothing.  So, it is wiser to distribute your wealth across different baskets.  If this is true then why worship one God?  It would seem to make sense to worship a variety of gods to cover all basis?  Why is it wise to worship one God and live your life in light of HIs promises?

The Ethics of a Fool (2 Corinthians 11:1-15)

The Heidelberg Catechism teaches that the Christian life is a life of gratitude.  If we are saved by grace then why live in gratitude to God?  Why would we want to live in gratitude to God?  Why is Paul's foolish life so significant for our Christian life?

The Keys of Restoration (Galatians 6:1-5 (LD 31)

The kingdom of God is something that is strong and powerful.  It is something that is also exclusive in the sense that not everyone is found in this kingdom, but only those who are Christians.  So, how does one get into this kingdom?  Why should someone want to be in this kingdom?  Are there benefits to being in this kingdom or not? What should the church do if someone is living a life that excludes them from the kingdom?

Why Such and Exclusive Feast? (1 Corinthians 10:14-22; 11:28, 29 (LD 30)

When we look at the Lord’s Supper we might think that this is something that is empty or something that we do on Sunday.  Our concern is that this is something that could just be a mere sentimental memory of Christ rather than communing with Christ.  How do we know that this supper is more than that?  How do we see that this supper challenges us to live in an exclusive relationship with the Lord?

Tasting the Bread of Life (John 6:35-40; LD 28)

It is easy for us to beat up on the immediate audience that meets with Christ and asks Christ for things that might seem silly to us.  In other words as Christians we might think that it is silly to ask Christ to provide bread.  In our minds this might be something that is so short sighted.  If we are honest, there are many things in our lives that miss the promises of Christ, the provision of the Gospel, and the ultimate peace of the kingdom.  How does the sacrament of communion help to refresh in us the life of the kingdom?  How does it call us to look beyond this world?

Raising the Half Child (1 Corinthians 7:14; LD 27)

As the church is growing and existing it is just a matter of time before the church encounters a problem.  The problem is what do you do in a marriage where one spouse is a Christian and the other spouse is not a Christian?  How is the family to conduct itself? Are they to stay married and divide the house so one spouse lives on one floor and another spouse lives on the sinner’s floor?  What is more, how do the spouses view their children?

Circumcised and Baptized in Christ (Colossians 2:11,12; LD 26)

We continue to consider the themes of the catechism and the issue of baptism.  In many ways it is tempting to say that circumcision is associated with the Old Testament and baptism is associated with the New Testament.  This could mean that the application of these signs are radically different.  What can we see in Scripture that shows us that these signs might have more continuity than discontinuity?  Ultimately, what should these signs be communicating to us that can be missed in the context of our discussion on infant baptism?

Receiving the Seal of Righteousness (Genesis 17:11; Romans 4:11; LD 25)

Normally when we think about the sign of circumcision being instituted we think of Moses.  We are also quick to think of this sign as being something that is tied to the flesh with a land promise with very little Spiritual significance.  The sign of Baptism on the other hand we may think has great significance in terms of Spiritual blessings.  Is this fair?  Is this what Paul, Moses, and Abraham would have us take away from this sign?

The Crown of Life (2 Timothy 4:7, 8; LD 24)

The calling of Timothy is one where Timothy is to preach the gospel.  What does this mean to preach the gospel?  What is it like to preach the gospel with the apostle Paul as the mentor?  Is this something that is easy?  Is Timothy to preach the gospel to do more than Paul, the same as Paul, or less than Paul?  What is the standard of success?

Why is Faith so Important? (1 Corinthians 1:30; LD 23)

If we are really honest we must affirm that we struggle in our faith.  This means that there are times when our faith is strong, and there are times when our faith is not so strong.  In fact, we do not like to admit it, but we even sin.  We really do not like to admit it, but most of the time we enjoy our sin for a little while.  If we are so weak, and broken by our sin, then how can this weak faith be so necessary?  Should we trust in our faith or are we asking the wrong question?

How Are We Benefited by Christ’s Resurrection? (John 17:3; LD 22)

We are invited to listen to the last prayer of Christ prior to going to the cross.  What sort of things matter to Christ in this prayer?  What does this prayer communicate about the benefits of Christ’s resurrection?  What information could we even glean about the resurrection if Christ has not even died at this point in His ministry?  So, how are we benefitted by Christ’s resurrection right now?