Baptized Heirs with Abraham (Gal. 3:27)

Many people in the church today think that baptism is merely a New Testament symbol demonstrating that the church is different from Israel. However, the Apostle Paul does not see such a distinction in the people of God. Is the church the replacement for Israel? Is the church something that is radically different from Israel? What does the sacrament of baptism have to do with Israel and the church?

A Stern Master's Kingdom (Luke 17:10)

Scripture speaks of us receiving crowns and rewards when we get to glory. One of think that our sole motivation is to have a bigger crown, a bigger mansion, or more rewards than another christian. What is wrong with this sort of motivation to obey to receive more from our Lord at the final judgment? Why should we want to conform to the Lord as we journey through this age?

Why is Faith so Important? (1 Cor. 2:1-5)

We believe that one is righteous before God by taking hold of Christ through faith.  Paul says that he desires to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  Does this mean that Paul is denying Christ’s resurrection?  Does this mean that Paul is teaching us not to learn from wise men in the past nor to look at any other Scriptures?  What does Paul mean by this strong statement, “Jesus Christ and him crucified?”

The Paradise Promise (Luke 23:43)

Christ is in his dying moments and it appears to the human eye that his idealistic kingdom and mission has failed. He is on the cross, helplessly nailed to a board as a covenant breaker, and he is hung there between two criminals. Clearly, Christ’s messianic claims are fraudulent, but are they? What do we see in this narrative that communicates that Christ really comes to save, and that his mission is absolutely successful?

Are All Things Good? (Romans 8:26-30)

The Lord promises that no matter what we face that God works all things for good. Does this mean that everything that we face as Christians is going to be good? Is this a declaration that sin is so eradicated that there will be no lasting consequence of sin? Does this really mean that all things are good or is the Apostle Paul teaching us something else about our Christian sojourn?

Assurance during Christ Absence (2) (Titus 2:11-15)

We continue to consider that if Christ is in heaven away from us then where is our hope? We can think of the ascension as a doctrine that is not that encouraging or beneficial for us today. However Paul writes to Titus about the ascension of Christ implying that this doctrine is something that is significant. Why is this doctrine so important for us today as we journey through this age?

Assurance During Christ’s Absence (Romans 8:34)

We believe that Christ’s entrance into heaven is a good thing. However, how can it be better that Christ is gone rather than Christ is here with us? It would seem better if we could walk into heaven, open the throne room, and look upon Christ. So how can we be assured that Christ’s leaving us is a good thing in the Lord’s redemptive plan?

Baptism of Resurrection or Death? (Romans 6:3,4)

The apostle Paul tells us that we were baptized into Christ’s death.  This is strange language considering we associate the sacrament of baptism with regeneration or spiritual renewal.  Why would Paul speak of us being baptized into Christ’s death?  What can this teach us about the meaning of baptism?

Wicked Wretches (Romans 7:24, 25)

The Apostle Paul uses some strong and morbid language to describe how sinful we are.  Can we really say that we are in a body of death?  Can we really say that we are a wretch?  What does this mean and why is the Gospel so marvelous?

Why Did Christ Suffer? (Romans 3:25)

God is sovereign and He is the standard of mercy.  If God is merciful and sovereign then why does Christ have to suffer the way that he did?  How come God did not just overlook our offense?  If God is that serious about justice then how can we be assured we stand a chance to enter glory? 

Is Christ's Flesh Good? (Romans 9:5)

The Apostle Paul tells us that living according to the flesh is a bad thing. It means we are either relying on ourselves or we are pursuing sin. So, Paul goes on to say that Christ took on the flesh. If the flesh is bad then how is Christ’s taking on the flesh a good thing? Is Paul contradicting himself or is there another usage of the flesh in Paul’s letters?

Fellow Heir and Lord? (Romans 8:32) (LD 13)

We build on the notion that we are adopted as sons of the living God. You would think that if we are adopted as sons that we would be equal to Christ. How can we be called co-heirs with Christ Jesus, but still call Christ our Lord?

Sons Not Slaves (Romans 8:15) (LD 12)

There are two motivations or orientations to consciously living out our faith.  The first way is living as a slave which results in our being afraid of God.  This is not necessarily far off the mark as the Apostle Paul does speak of us as being slaves of righteousness in Romans 6.  Paul himself is a slave of Christ as he opens the book of Romans.  However, the other way to live out the call of the Gospel is as a son.  Why would Paul make a distinction between sonship and slavery if he identifies himself as a slave of Christ?

Is Christ Enough? (Romans 8:1-8)

When we talk about the work of Christ we can talk about Christ securing us, or Christ redeeming us, or Christ paying the debt so we can be righteous. However, is the work of Christ complete enough to save us until the end? How do we know that we will partake of Christ’s work making Christ’s work our work?

The Advantage of Providence (Romans 8:31-39)

One of the main consequences of the fall is that we do not want God to rule over us. We might think that God’s ruling over us is going to limit our fun, our joy, and our contentment in this life. However, what if God’s ruling over us by his providence actually secures our fun, our joy, and our contentment? How do we find contentment in the Lord as he rules over us?

We Want a Sovereign Father (Romans 8:18-25)

The Lord rules over this creation and over this world.  When we survey this creation and different challenges that we face in our day to day lives we might question the Lord’s competence.  There is unrest, turmoil, and there is trouble in this world so why do we want our God to be sovereign?  It would seem better if we could try out hand at ruling the world.  So, why is it a good thing that God is sovereign and we are not sovereign? 

Is Faith Really Necessary? (Hebrews 11:1-12)

Christians are very familiar with Hebrews 11 which is sometimes called the “Heroes of the faith.”   There is no doubt that they suffered on account of their convictions, but what moved them? Is the point that they believed or is the point that they walked in the faith? What does it mean that they walked in the faith?

Why Was God Made Sin? (2 Corinthians 5:21)

The Apostle Paul uses this strange language that Christ was made sin. How can a holy God be made sin? Is the Apostle Paul just trying to shock us for no reason? Is Paul laying out some sort of heresy? What can the Apostle possibly mean by this language?