Dust in the Wind? (Psalm 90)
/Rev. Karel preaches from Moses' Psalm 90. God will overcome the common curse of creation.
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This is where you will find sermons and updates for our church. Our mission is to preach expository sermons focusing on the gospel of Christ. We are a church that is tied to the reformed tradition and seeks to submit to the scriptures so we walk in the Lord’s wisdom rather than our own.
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Rev. Karel preaches from Moses' Psalm 90. God will overcome the common curse of creation.
We know that before we can enter into the full bliss of heaven we need to be raised from the dead or enter heaven with a glorified body. We might wonder about our passage from this life to the life to come. Our temptation is to think maybe we go to sleep and enter a coma like state. We don't want to say that our soul needs to be more purified and so we wait for that process to finish. We enter heaven because of Christ's redemptive work. This is why we speak of the intermediate state. This is the state where our souls begin to taste our everlasting state, but not in the fullness because we have to wait for glory. This is why the saints in heaven are asking for Christ to return to make everything right.
#intermediatestate #tastingheaven #martyredsouls #soulsinheaven #revelationsermon
Our Lord commands that the church would go forth baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The church is called to make disciples and baptize in the name of the trinitarian God. What is the significance of this sign of baptism? What does this sacrament communicate? Why does the apostle Paul say that were were baptized into Christ’s death and also his life? Does this baptism automatically work, does it merely symbolize something, and so what is the purpose of baptism? How does baptism encourage us in our Christian walk?
When Christ walks on the water is he doing that because he is against taking a boat? Does Christ do this just because he can? Does Christ do this because he is making a point about his mission? If he is making a point what would that point be? How can this show that Christ is the Lord over death or Sheol?
The apostle Paul tells us that we were baptized into Christ’s death. This is strange language considering we associate the sacrament of baptism with regeneration or spiritual renewal. Why would Paul speak of us being baptized into Christ’s death? What can this teach us about the meaning of baptism?
The Apostle Paul uses some strong and morbid language to describe how sinful we are. Can we really say that we are in a body of death? Can we really say that we are a wretch? What does this mean and why is the Gospel so marvelous?
This is a very short speech in the book of Job. The counselors are those who are very wordy, but now we find that they are starting to fade away. Why are the counselors no longer talking? Have the counselors run out of words or is something else happening?
James does not conclude his letter like other apostles who conclude their letters with greetings, benedictions, or passing greetings along to churches from fellow saints. James tells us not to take oaths, anoint with oil, and exhorting us to bring back the wandering one. Is it really true that we are not to take an oath? Are we to anoint all the sick with oil? How do we bring someone back who has wandered from the truth? These are the questions that we seek to answer in our last sermon on James.
Adam and Eve are out of the Garden of Eden, and they are banished from the Garden. They will never enter this paradise again nor will they taste any of the fruit that was in this original sanctuary. How do they fare on the other side of Eden? How will human history progress or will it just digress?
Adam is in the garden of Eden, called to honor the Lord, and love the Lord. There is a tree that God placed in Eden which will confer upon him the knowledge of Good and Evil. Is it wrong to eat of this tree just because the Lord says so? Is the Lord holding something back from Adam that would be good for him? How bad would it be for Adam to eat of the tree? What would ultimately happen to the human race and this world? This chapter in Genesis truly is a history changing moment.
It seems fairly challenging for us to grasp the depth of Christ’s death on the cross. The reality is that we are people who probably do not fully grasp the Sanhedrin having to redefine their understanding of the messiah, the disciples wondering if they have been deceived, and Pilate never encountering a person like Christ. Why is it so hard for people to grasp Christ? Why is it that we think we grasp who He is without seeing the blind spots in our Christian life? Why is Christ’s death on the cross such a difficult thing for us to understand?
Christ is the one who does not deserve to die because He is the only one who can claim that He does not fall under the sentence of Adam. He is unjustly condemned so that we can be mercifully reconciled to the living God. We read in Hebrews that we have a high priest who can sympathize with us. How can the God-Man sympathize with mere humans? How can He really know our struggle if He Himself has not sinned, done any wrong, or struggled with sin? How do we know that Christ really does know the pain of this world?
We are a bible believing church in the Belgrade, MT. We are a Reformed Protestant church who desire to build one another up in love as we sojourn under the sun.