Don’t Worry He’s Sovereign: Sentence (Mark 15:1-20)

Christ is the one who does not deserve to die because He is the only one who can claim that He does not fall under the sentence of Adam.  He is unjustly condemned so that we can be mercifully reconciled to the living God.  We read in Hebrews that we have a high priest who can sympathize with us.  How can the God-Man sympathize with mere humans?  How can He really know our struggle if He Himself has not sinned, done any wrong, or struggled with sin?  How do we know that Christ really does know the pain of this world?


Struggling Sinners and Saints (Romans 8:18-25 (COD Head 5 Article 1)


Imposed or Refundable Gift (Ephesians 2:8 (LD 16; COD Head 2 Art. 7)