Fellow Heir and Lord? (Romans 8:32) (LD 13)

We build on the notion that we are adopted as sons of the living God. You would think that if we are adopted as sons that we would be equal to Christ. How can we be called co-heirs with Christ Jesus, but still call Christ our Lord?

Our Power or God’s Power of Preservation? (1 Peter 1:3-9 (COD Head 5 Article 3)

We might think that this notion of the preservation and perseverance of the saints is unique to the Apostle Paul.  We might also think that this is not all that significant in terms of our psychology or encouraging us through difficult times in this life. In fact, we might think that that knowing God will preserver us waters down the struggle or the hardship of this life.  It sounds like life is not that challenging because God will just continue to pull the puppet strings.   So, what does a Calvinist say about such a claim that Reformed Theology minimizing suffering?