No One is Righteous?

The apostle Paul states that no one is righteous. How can Paul say such a dreary statement? How can man be in such a negative predicament? We can work our way out of this right? If we cannot work our way out of this mess then is there any hope? Is this something that is unique to Paul's skewed perspective or is Paul merely the messenger of this scriptural truth?

Covenant Confirmation

The Lord finally provides the promised heir to enter history. You would think that the story of redemption would be closed because the Lord has fulfilled his promise. However, the Lord endangers this promise by commanding the promised child to be sacrificed. Why would the Lord do such a thing? What does this sacrifice disclose to us?

The Humble and Powerful Gospel (Acts 28:23-30)

Luke teaches that Christ is the messiah, he is the one to establish the promises of God, and ultimately to be the administrator of peace.  So we conclude our series by turning to the last chapter in Acts.  Paul is under house arrest because of the Gospel, rejected by the jews, and fails to convert the government leaders.  How can we be assured that Christ really is the messiah?  How can we say that Christ’s mission is truly a successful mission? 

God's Overbearing Grace (John 6:44)

There is no doubt that we are saved by the Lord's grace. However, how much grace does God give us to come to Christ? Does he give us enough to counteract the fall? Do we really need grace after Adam's fall? Or are we so fallen and depraved that without the Lord's grace overwhelming us we would never turn to him? How much of a gift is our faith at the end of the day?

Covenant Pilgrims

The Lord goes beyond merely asserting a promise, and the Lord initiates a covenant where the Lord binds himself to secure his pilgrim people. So, why does Abram cut animals in half? Why does the Lord enter into what seems to be a second covenant in Genesis 17? What is the Lord communicating about the gospel for his pilgrim people already in Genesis?

Seeing the Lord’s Salvation

Christ is the God Man who enters history to do his father's will. John tells us that Christ tabernacled among us. This means that Christ is God dwelling in the midst of his people in the flesh. If Christ is the tabernacle then why does Christ go to the temple? Why do Christ’s parents bring him to the temple? If Christ is the walking temple then why does Luke tell us about Christ in the temple? Is Luke contradicting or complimenting John's Gospel?

God Meant for Good (Genesis 50:20)

Joseph confronts his brothers after their scheme to manipulate Joseph to forgive them. The thought of God's providential care has not resonated within them. Joseph, has been betrayed in several ways, he has been exalted to a high position, and yet he does not seek to get vengeance on his brothers. Why is Joseph willing to move beyond his past? What has the Lord taught Joseph in Egypt?

The Humble and Exalted Christmas Story (Luke 2:1-21)

The story of Christ seems to show that God is doing too little too late. It seems as if the Lord has not fulfilled his promises. However, as we look deeper in the story we find that Christ is the one who will overcome. Our problem as humans is that we do not live our lives in light of the Lord’s wisdom, but on the world’s wisdom. So, what in the story communicates that the Lord is victorious?

Are Angels Real? (2)

Last week we considered the fallen angels. This week we consider the angels who remain in glory. They have a purpose to serve the Lord, and the Lord's people. What does the story of Sodom and Gomorrah teach us about the righteous angels? What does this narrative communicate about the final judgment?

International Pilgrims

The Lord does not forsake his promise.  The Lord continues to work in the midst of his pilgrim people.  There is a man called to the Lord, but this man is not able to have children.  How is this man going to establish the victorious line of the woman?  What gives us hope that the Lord will prevail? 

Are Angels Real? (Jude 6)

Jude warns the church that judgment is coming. He appeals to Israel being brought out of Egypt, he appeals to Sodom and Gomorrah, and sandwiched between these events he reminds us that the Lord is judging the angels. What does it means that God holds these angels in chains? Are these angels who are part of a super race?

Christmas' Unsung Hero (Luke 1:67-80)

When we talk Christmas we think of Christ's entrance into history. This would be one of one of the obvious reasons for Christmas. However, there is another child who is born in time. This is the child who prepares the way for Christ. Why does the story of Christ have a delay? Why does Luke delay the birth of Christ and first communicate John's birth?

Devil's Tower

The tower of Babel is a sinful act devised by a rebellious mankind.  Does this mean that it is wrong for us to build?  Are towers and sky scrapers necessarily evil?  What makes the tower of Babel so wicked? Why would we call this tower the Devil’s Tower? 

Song of Mary (Luke 1:39-56)

Mary does not give praise to herself even though Elizabeth is honored to have such a person in her presence. Mary turns her attention away from herself and to the Lord. What is the Lord doing through this child? Why should we follow Christ when his ministry begins in such humiliation? What is Luke teaching us about Christ's humiliation and exaltation?

Christ’s Helper (John 14:25-28)

Christ promises that he will send his helper. It is encouraging to know that Christ's return to heaven does not leave us as orphans. How can we be sure that Christ's teaching will resonate within us if Christ is in heaven? Why does Christ have to go away? How can we be sure that Christ’s work will accomplish its redemptive goal when he says the father is greater than I?

Triumphant Pilgrim

The Lord told Noah to go into the ark and now Noah walks out of the ark.  The Lord washed this creation while delivering his pilgrim through the ark.  This testifies to the ultimate triumph of God’s pilgrim people.  So, if Noah walked out the ark as God’s triumphant pilgrim why do we feel like we lack victory?  Why are we still on a pilgrimage?  Where is our pilgrimage ultimately going? 

God’s Radical Standard (Matthew 25:31-46)

Christ is facing the cross, and setting into motion the events promised in Matthew 24:1-13. We may still wonder: am I in Christ's kingdom? Does kingdom entrances mean that we have to take 2 million or 5 million dollars and double the amount? Is God going to send us away if we do not seem righteous enough? How do we know if we are members of His kingdom?

Celebrating God’s Steadfast Love (Psalm 136)

The Lord tells us to be thankful. There is no doubt that we should be thankful. God is God, he is the king who rules over all. We should desire to be thankful to God just because He is God, but what reasons does the Psalmist give for us to be thankful to God?