Born in the Fullness of Time (Galatians 4:4)

The promise that Jesus will enter history is not just a New Testament promise.  The Lord promises at the exit of Eden that Christ will enter into history taking on the flesh.  God binds himself in a covenant to Abraham that Christ will enter into history.  This is a wonderful promise, but why is this promise necessary?  

Serpent Seed Rising

The Lord promises to prevail, but it seems that history contradicts this promise.  The family that exits eden is hopefully going to have harmony, unity, and a homogenous existence.  However, this is not the case.  Adam and Eve have two sins only to have one die at the hand of another son.  Will the Lord prevail?  Can the Lord triumph? Will the Seed of the Woman really prevail?

Christ’s Cautious Call (Matthew 24:45-25:13)

Christ’s judgment seems strange because the examples Christ gives are people doing the same exact thing.  However, one person is saved while the other person is judged.   What is the standard?  How can we be sure that we will make it through the final judgment?  How do we know if we are insiders? 

The Trinity’s Testimony ( 1 John 5:6-12)

The doctrine of the trinity is a fascinating doctrine.  We teach that God is one God and three persons.  How can God be one and three at the same time?  Why would we want to teach this doctrine if it is so complicated?  Why is this doctrine necessary for us to believe as a church?

Triumphant Trampling

The reptile rebel tempts the creatures to destruction.  They think that they will become triumphant kings over the one true king only to find that they are confined to destructive despair.  Will the Lord be able to overcome this death despair? 

A Certain, but Concealed Coming (Matthew 24:36-44)

Christ warns that one will be taken while another is left behind. Christ mentions Noah’s flood with people going about their day to day lives. Christ mentions something about a thief who steals at an unexpected time. What does Christ mean by all this? Does this mean that there is some sort of secret rapture? Is it sinful to live a peaceful and quiet life? What is the fundamental warning that Christ is giving to us today?

The Eternal Word (John 1:14; 15:26)

Christ makes the promise that he will be with us until the end of the age.  How can Christ deliver on this promise when Christ is up in heaven and we are down here on earth?  How can the incarnation teach us about the significance of the trinity, and God's desire to redeem?

Image Warrior

Man is created in the image of God and placed in the garden of eden.  This might not seem all that significant in terms of man’s pilgrimage on this earth, but it is significant.  So, what does man created in the image of God in the garden of Eden tell us about our Christian pilgrimage? 

True Truth (Acts 26:22,23)

The Apostle Paul is in a position to defend his faith once again.  He has an opportunity to defend his faith, and so what does Paul say?  Where does Paul put his assurance and confidence that the word of God is true?  What is our assurance and confidence as we live out the gospel in Christ?

A Secret or Public coming? (Matthew 24:29-35)

Christ is clear that life in the Kingdom is not always going to be easy.  In fact, we will face trials, struggles, and hardships.  The promise is that there is going to be a day when those hardships come to a conclusion, and Christ will come again.  How do we know when Christ returns?  Will this be something that is visible and public?

Created to Fellowship

We can think that the concept of of a Christian sojourn starts in the New Testament, but we find this is not the case.  In fact, we can see that this pilgrimage will not make sense unless we place man in the original creation story.  How does the Garden of Eden set the context for man’s sojourn under the sun?  

Abominations and Desolations (Matthew 24:15-28)

Christ continues to teach about Jerusalem's coming demise.  He uses the language of Daniel to describe the downfall of this city. Why does Christ refer back to Daniel?  What do we learn about the "strong covenant" in the 70th week?  Why does the temple need to be destroyed? 

Discerning our Tradition (2) (Art. 5, 6 2 Timothy 3:15,16)

The word of God is the power and means God uses to call his people.  If this scripture is written by men and inspired by the Spirit how do we know that the books of the Bible we have are true? Our confession says that we do not embrace the apocrypha, but it does not forbid us from reading it.  How do we view these apocryphal writings, how do we know that they are not inspired? 

Conceding Good (Romans 12:21)

We summarize what we learned from Romans 12.  We reconsider Bavinck's quote regarding introspection and Christian growth. We consider this quote in light of Paul's exhortation not to be overcome with evil.  How do we live this out?  If we are to live as the Lord's servants how can we find joy, comfort, or even any freedom under such limitation?

Discerning the Tradition (Art. 4, 5; Acts 17:10-15)

The apostle Paul is one who goes from place to place preaching the word of God or to be precise the canon of Scripture. As he preaches from place to place he encounters various agitators. Agitators in Paul's context are people who deny that Christ is the messiah. How can we be confident that Paul is really an apostle sent from God? How can we be confident that Christ is the Messiah? How do we know that his words are the words from God?

The Temple’s Demise (Matthew 24:1-14)

Christ is done interacting with the leaders of Israel.  Christ returns at the end of the day to Bethany and stops at the Mount of Olives.  Christ takes the time to instruct his disciples regarding future events.  Some of these events will be in the immediate future  and other events are those that are yet to come.  What is the significance of Christ predicting the destruction of the temple?  What does this tell us about his ministry?  Where is our hope to be?  Are we to hope in this world or the kingdom that Christ brings?