Our Glorious Adoption (LD 13, Ephesians 1:3-14)

We believe that Christ is Son of God. He is son from all eternity. Christ is begotten in eternity. Yes, this is something that is difficult for us to understand, but nevertheless Christ was not created. However, we are also called sons of God. This means that we are adopted as children of God to share in Christ's inheritance. We are not deserving of this blessing, but by the grace of God we receive his inheritance by grace and mercy.

(Preached 10.23.2022 in the evening)

#graciousredemption #godsadoption #adoptedsonsofgod #expositorypreaching #ephesians1

Is One Work Enough? (Hebrews 1:5-14)

The fall into sin does not just impact our thinking, but our sojourn in the context of a fallen world impacts our view of life. We feel the consequence of Adam's fall. We see that nothing lasts forever because we continually see things returning to the dust. We struggle with our lack of contentment, the reality that things break down, and even our own covetous desires. It is a challenge to think that Christ's work is not only sufficient, but more than what we need to get through this age. Hebrews reminds us that Christ being seated in heaven testifies that we have all that we need to get through this world.

(Preached 10.23.2022 in the morning)

#expositorypreaching #hebrews #Christsufficiency #christisenough

Christian Metamorphosis (LD 12; Romans 12:1,2)

Christ presents our discipleship and conforming to his purpose as cross bearing. Peter speaks of sanctification as a refining fire. Paul uses the language of sanctification as a living sacrifice. These terms can discourage us from seeing the bigger picture. You see Paul speaks of us not merely being transformed as a heavenly people, but undergoing a process of metamorphosis. This is communicates the beauty and the bigger picture of sanctification. We are not just denying ourselves something, but we are becoming something by God's grace.

#sanctification #expositorypreaching #romans12 #livingsacrifice

God's Confirming Word (Hebrews 1:1-4)

Hebrews exhorts us to see that Christ is the confirmation of God's promise. Christ is not contrary to the prophets. Christ is not in competition with the prophets. Rather, the prophets have credibility because Christ has come. Christ is the word of God. He is the incarnation to fulfill God's purpose to redeem his people. Hebrews assures us that his work is done because Christ is seated in heaven, and we are a purified people made worthy to enter into God's presence. #hebrewssermon #hebrews #expositorypreaching

The Only Way of Salvation (Acts 3:1-4:12; LD 11)

#wayoflife #christisrisen #christistheanswer #gospel

Paul writes, "If the dead are not raised, 'Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.'" (1 Corinthians 15:32). This could be a citation of Isaiah 22:13 where the securing of one's self in the flesh is what establishes life. In other words there is no spiritual dimension. This can also be a summary of the Epicureans who basically wanted to life to the fullest. This means that for Paul if there is no resurrection there is no Christianity, there is no Holy Spirit dwelling in man, and it ultimately means we have no life.

This quote is important for this provides the backdrop for Peter giving his defense for healing a crippled beggar. He did not engage in this miracle because of his piety or faith, but only in the power of Jesus of Nazareth whom they crucified, but God has raised from the dead. The resurrection does not just conquer death, but confirms that we are reconciled to God. It means that we are secured in heaven's glory. It means that right now we walk as the Lord's new temple building waiting for the full perfection.

(Preached October 9, 2022)

The Day of the Lord (Zechariah 14:1-21)

#zechariah #nightvisions #dayofthelord

We can think of the "Day of the Lord" in scripture as being the final day. We do see the day of the Lord as a day when the Lord makes all things right. We think of this as one day rather than one day that is manifested at different times in history. In fact, God by his providence shows his deliverance in patterns throughout covenant history. The point is to give the assurance and warning to the nations that there is a day of reckoning. There is warning to the nations that they better assemble to worship with God's people rather than make war against them. These patterns give assurance that the Lord will bring his people to dwell with him on his holy plateau in the heavenly city that comes down from heaven when all things are created new.

(Preached October 9, 2022)

A Student of Providence (2 Corinthians 1:3-11; LD 10)

The Apostle Paul has personally witnessed the resurrected Christ. He has been called into heaven to experience a vision on par with Isaiah. It is tempting for us to think that Paul does not have to wrestle with God's sovereignty and God's election. However, Paul confesses that he too has had a break through in his Christian walk where his theology moved from being a head knowledge to to a deeper conviction within the Apostle Paul.

(Preached 9.25.2022)

God's Cure for Anxiety (LD 9) (Luke 12:22-34)

When we worry about tomorrow we doubt God's providence and his care for us. Christ could have easily ended his sermon with the assertion that life is more than food or clothing. Christ would then be telling us how sinful we are. Christ does not just tell us that we are sinful, but Christ gives us assurance of the Lord's personal care for us. Luke tells us that Christ gives two proofs to assure us that our Heavenly Father does care. The pesky ravens receive the Lord's care. The Lord watches over the wild flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow. Christ's point is that if God cares about the little details of this creation then how much more his people. Therefore, we should not be anxious about tomorrow as we are in the father's care.

(Preached September 18, 2022)

On That Day (2) (Zechariah 12:10-13:6)

Zechariah set a scary stage in the previous context. The setting is the nations marching against Jerusalem. The nations were meeting for the battle at the mountain of the assembly. This is not assembly for worship, but assembly with the intent to destroy God's city. God's holy mount Zion is being reclaimed as the mountain of war. The Lord promises to secure his holy mountain and his holy city. The Lord is going to establish his "vision of peace" or what we know as Jerusalem. History is moving to the goal of the Lord's heavenly city where God dwells with his people forever. Zechariah continues to describe the "Day of the Lord" with the assurance that the Lord's Spirit will be poured out. His people will repent. Idolatry will be removed. His people will grieve that they have pierced the messiah. However, the Lord's people will dwell in peace in the Lord's heavenly city dwelling in the presence of God himself.

(Preached September 18, 2022)

Redeemed by the Triune God (LD 8; 2 Corinthians 13:14)

The Apostle Paul closes his second letter to the Corinthians with an incredible greeting from the Triune God. Paul is writing to a church that is on the verge of denying the Apostolic Gospel, but Paul still greets them in the blessings of redemption. Paul does not just say the names of the Godhead, but he gives the blessings of our redemption that are given to us by our God.

Preached September 11, 2022 (9/11/2022)

On That Day (Zechariah 12:1-9)

The prophets speak of the "Day of the Lord." This is the day when the Lord makes everything right. This is a wonderful day when the Lord establishes his justice, manifests his mercy, and sees to it that the world is fully in the true rest of the kingdom. Zechariah is concluding his prophecy with this vision of the lord making all things right. Our call is to bow our knee to Christ, submit to his reign, and see that as we seek first his kingdom our Lord will deliver us.

Preached September 11, 2022 (9/11/2022)

Am I Redeemed? (LD 7; John 20:30-31)

The question that we can always ask is how do I know if the Lord's redemption is mine? We know that God promises to redeem, but how does that promise become my promise? This is where faith is the essence of assurance. This means that when we have faith in Christ we have assurance. The reason is because faith in Christ takes hold of Christ and all his blessings.

(Sunday August 28, 2022)

False Shepherds and Fake Sheep (Zechariah 11:1-17)

Zechariah prophesied that the Lord's judgment is going to come to all people. This means that it is upon those outside the believing or covenant community as well as those inside the community or the church. Zechariah warns the false shepherds they will be judged. Zechariah also points out a troubling time when his people treat one another as commodities to be traded rather than fellow members of Christ. Zechariah leaves us to see that our only hope is bowing our necks under the Lord's redeeming mercy.

(Sunday August 28, 2022)

One Mediator of One Gospel (Heb. 1:1-14; LD 5)

There is one Gospel promise throughout all the scriptures. This is something that has been debated in church history with the extreme of Marcion denying the God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament. The struggle to see the unity of Scripture is addressed in the letter to the Hebrews. Christ is the character and the radiance of God. The Old Testament looking to his coming and the New Testament assures us that God's promise is set in stone because he has spoke through his word.

(Sunday August 21, 2022)

God’s Purpose Will Stand (Zechariah 10:1-12)

The prophet Zechariah gives a warning to the false shepherds. This is pretty scary considering that Joshua is not a perfect priest as we witness the vision in Zechariah 3. The assurance that the prophet gives the Lord's people is to pray and ask God. Zechariah assures us that God does in fact listen to our our prayer and God will provide for us. God desires a people who wrestle with him. We know that God will prevail, and so we seek to conform to his image. We do not make God in our image.

(Sunday August 21, 2022)

What Kind of Redeemer? (LD 5; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28)

God's wrath is kindled because of Adam's fall into sin. This leaves us with the question: how can we get out this predicament? The answer is only through the means that God prescribes: Christ. Christ is God and man joined together in one person. He has to be God to endure the eternal punishment on behalf of his people. He has to be man because man offended God. God cannot simply overlook sin, God will punish sin. The solution is God's redemptive provision. God is the one who pays the redemption that we take hold of by faith.

(Sunday August 14, 2022)

Who Caused this Problem? (Gen. 3; LD 4)

The Lord finishes his creation and he calls it good. The Lord is pronouncing that all that he created is good. This means that Adam and Eve were not lacking a single thing to obey God. However, when Satan entered the garden they accepted his invitation to evaluate the Lord's word.

(Sunday August 7, 2022)

Prophecy of Doom and Deliverance (Zechariah 9:1-8)

Zechariah receives word regarding some cities that we barely know. However, these cities better pay attention because the Lord's judgment is coming against them. This is not just a prophecy that declares death, but there is assurance that the Lord will establish his heavenly city as symbolized in Jerusalem.

(Sunday August 7, 2022)

Waiting on the Lord's Wisdom (LD 3; Psalm 14)

We might think that God does not see the injustice in this age. We are tempted to cry out to God, "How Long O Lord?" The reality is that injustice is upsetting. We have a problem in our human perspective. We think God has lost sight of everything, but we fail to see the bigger picture. Psalm 14 assures us that God does in fact see all things in this world and can even peer into the heart. This does not make God a busybody, but shows that God is bonded to his people. God will establish his promised eternal rest.

Fasting to Feasting (Zechariah 8:18-23)

The prophet tells us about the promise of eternal life. The prophet makes a very pregnant promise that the Lord's people will be from the nations. The Lord's great feast will be an international community joining together as a new Israel. The Lord truly has wrestled and the Lord has prevailed to bring his people into his rest.