Moved by the Spirit (2 Peter 1:21; BC 3)

We might wonder if the Scriptures go beyond their original context. 2 Peter 1:21 makes explicit to us the trustworthiness and divine authority of Scripture. Peter is assuring us that the Bible isn't a collection of human ideas or insights, but rather a divine revelation. The prophets were not just inspired, but moved by the Holy Spirit, ensuring that what they wrote was God's truth, not merely their own thoughts. The Scripture is not subject to the changing opinions of humans, but is a reliable, unchanging guide given by God Himself. We are called to align our opinions with the Scripture, discerning its truth, and not align Scripture to our convictions.

God's Confirming Word (Hebrews 1:1-4)

Hebrews exhorts us to see that Christ is the confirmation of God's promise. Christ is not contrary to the prophets. Christ is not in competition with the prophets. Rather, the prophets have credibility because Christ has come. Christ is the word of God. He is the incarnation to fulfill God's purpose to redeem his people. Hebrews assures us that his work is done because Christ is seated in heaven, and we are a purified people made worthy to enter into God's presence. #hebrewssermon #hebrews #expositorypreaching

Heeding the God of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16,17)

As we profess to be Christians we are called to live our lives for our Lord as living sacrifices.  Our catechism summarizes this so well when it states that we live our lives out of gratitude for our Lord because He has redeemed us.  So, how do we learn what living for the Lord looks like?  How do we know if we are living for the Lord?