Redeemed from Impurity (Titus 2:14; LD 1)

A strange slogan for the gospel could be, “The Lord can save even a cretan.” This does not sound very polite, but the apostle Paul quotes from a cretan philosopher who summarizes non favorable cretan philosophers. Nevertheless, Paul makes very clear that even the cretans get the same gospel as Abraham. The point that Paul is making is that we are all set apart in Christ as a people who have been made worthy in Christ. It is because Christ has redeemed us that desire to live out of gratitude. In fact, it is a blessing to be owned by Christ.

Baptized into Christ (Romans 6:1-4)

The Apostle Paul tells us that we are baptized into Christ. This seems to imply that at the moment of baptism we are brought directly into communion with Christ. If this is the case then how can we baptize infants? We need to read this exhortation in the context of the church. We should note that that covenant and election are not the same thing. Further, the Apostle Paul is simply exhorting us in light of this sign of consecration. Paul’s exhortation is similar to the the prophets exhorting Israel to circumcise their hearts. The Apostle Paul is simply exhorting us to see that we are a people set apart in Christ. Christ has undergone the definitive ordeal of death and he emerged triumphant from the sea. This sign is showing us that we are identified as a community of people in Christ Jesus.

Satan's Sifting (COD 5, RE 9; Luke 22:32)

Satan is the accuser and adversary against the Lord. Satan seeks to undermine Christ's work and the church. Peter warns us that Satan prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Peter seems to know a lot about Satan's power. We might be tempted to be afraid. We might be tempted to doubt whether the Lord can prevail against such an adversary. However, Christ gives the assurance that he prays for Peter. We also know that Christ prays for us in the heavenly temple. So, we learn about the power of prayer, and in particular Christ's prayer for us to persevere.

Discerning God's Will (Zechariah 7:1-14)

The Israelites inquire about fasting. They want to know if they should continue their fast regarding the temple's destruction. Their history is a place of limbo. On the one hand they are back in the land, but on the other hand the temple is not finished. This question is very pious as they are inquiring about how to honor the Lord. However, the Lord questions why Israel is asking about this fast. The Lord does not want our outward acts, but we learn that God wants his people.

God’s Imperishable Seed (1 Peter 1:23; COD Head 5 RE 8)

Peter greets the church as a scattered seed, when he says "the dispersion." We are a people scattered throughout the world like Israel in exile. This means that the church is not settled in the land of canaan. We are sojourners through this world who will experience suffering, testing, and unrest. The assurance is that while we are the scattered seed in this world we are born of the imperishable seed from heaven, and we will persevere by God's preserving power.

The Counsel of Peace (Zechariah 6:9-15)

Zechariah moves from being the recipient of visions to the prophet who brings the word of the Lord to the Lord's people. He brings a revelation that a crown is to be placed on the priest's head, and then the crown is the be placed in the temple. The promise is that the branch brings the council of peace between them both. We might think that there is a tension between the king in Israel and the priest. However, it is not an issue of the people, but the separate offices. Zechariah is speaking of the priest king who has no beginning of days nor end of days that we know as Melchizedek.

Heroes or Hero of the Faith? (Hebrews 11; COD Head 5 RE 6, 7)

Normally when we read Hebrews 11 we focus on the individuals and their faith. We look at the deeds that they have done in the power of the faith and we consider them to be the heroes. However, if we put the chapter in the context we discover that the real hero is God who is showing his invisible power at work in his people.

Heaven's Visitation (Zechariah 6:1-8)

Zechariah moves to another location where he sees two bronze mountains. There are chariots that pass between the mountains and survey the world. The horses resemble or echo the horses in the first vision, but now they are pulling chariots. These mountains show the entrance to heaven or the exit from heaven. These chariots are no longer surveying, but they are moving to judge the north country.

The Sin Unto Death (1 John 5:16-18, COD 5 RE 4, 5)

John tells us that if we see someone sin we should pray for that person provided that they are not committing the sin unto death. This can result in us being concerned that maybe we committed the sin unto death and we might wonder if we are saved. The assurance that we have is that if we are concerned about committing the sin unto death then we need to be confident that we did not commit the sin.

Wicked Women (Zechariah 5:1-11)

Zechariah sees a woman in a basket and then two women carrying her away to the land of Shinar. This is a vision of the Lord removing wickedness from the midst of his people in his holy land. Those who desire to worship other gods or being rebellion against God will be carried over to he Babelite community

Confidently Persevere in God's Grace (COD Head 5 Art 14, 5; I Peter 5:6-11)

Peter warns us that Satan is prowling around seeking someone to devour. This is a horrible picture to think that our main enemy is seeking to destroy us in such a degrading way. This sounds like we are facing David's fate where he writes, "like a ravening and roaring lion"(Psalm 22:13). The thing we need to remember is that Psalm 22 does not end with a cry of abandonment, but the comfort of God's presence. So Peter exhorts us to see the Lord's presence in the midst of our suffering. We consciously persevere while being assured of God's preserving power.

God’s Priestly People (Zechariah 3)

Zechariah sees a court room. This court scene is in heaven. In this vision Zechariah sees the Angel of the Lord, Satan, and Joshua the high priest assembled for court. Joshua is dressed in a garment that is ceremonially unclean. It is uncouth and not something that the priest should wear. The Lord commands the priest to be unclothed and clothed once more. The priest's condemning garments are removed, but not to humiliate him. This testifies to the Lord's redeeming mercy not only for the priest, but even for his people. The Lord demonstrates in his vision his passion to redeem, cleans, and dwell with his people forever.

Godliness through Assurance (2 Corinthians 7:6-13; COD Head 5, Arts 12, 13)

Our instinct is to think that if we are assured of our faith then we will not grow because we will continually backslide. We might think that in order for us to grow we should be a little afraid, terrified, of God. If we are not terrified of the Lord's wrath then we will not be properly motivated to grow to conform to him. This is what we might think, but the Canons of Dordt is teaching us the opposite truth. The Canons of Dordt teaches us that If we are not assured of our faith then we will not grow in our faith. How does the Apostle Paul exhort the church? What can we learn from his exhortation?

A City Guarded By God (Zechariah 2:1-13)

The Lord places his people back in the promised land only to have their progress stalled by a letter. It is a letter that goes forth seeking to halt any progress Israel makes in rebuilding the Lord’s holy city. The Lord has affection for his people, and his dwelling in their midst. Can the Lord bring about his redemptive promise to dwell with his people? Is the Lord stronger than the nations?

Do Not Resist Mercy (Matthew 5:38-42)

Christ tells us that we are to turn the other cheek if someone slaps us. If someone takes us to court we give them more than they are asking in the settlement. If someone wants us to go one mile then we go with them two miles. If we take these words at face value they can become rather burdensome to the abused and the afflicted. We know that God defends the widow and the orphan so how can we care about injustice while hearing an exhortation to tolerate injustice?

Conflicted Assurance Prevails (1 Cor. 10:1-13; COD Heads 5, Arts 1-9)

The Apostle Paul shows where God's people have failed and disappointed the Lord in the past. The Lord's people have fallen into idolatry while calling it proper worship. This is intended to sober God's people and awaken us to see that we too are prone to these temptations. The Apostle Paul interjects at the conclusion of these examples that God is faithful. How can God being faithful encourage us when we doubt his goodness? Why is it so assuring that God will keep us until the end?

God's Holy City Will Stand (Zechariah 1:18-21)

We are tempted many times in our Christian walk to doubt whether God is strong enough to fulfill his promises. We can survey the world and it is not as we think it should be. We might pray to God and in our perspective it seems that he is not listening to us. The prophet Zechariah gives us the absolute assurance that God does listen to our prayers. The prophet assures us that the Lord will build his heavenly city. The prophet assures us that the Lord has all this in check. How can this brief vision give us the assurance that God's plans do not fall flat when it seems his redemptive program has failed?

God Remembers His Promises! (Psalm 51; COD 5 Arts 7,8)

We are warned by those who have gone before us that if we push the boundaries of grace that God might give us the sin that we desire. The Lord might allows us to wallow and to walk in our sin for a time. So, what happens when the Lord snaps us out of our sin? What does David communicate to us about the Lord remembering his promises? How does David's sin, and more importantly, his restoration, teach us about the Gospel?

Skeptics Find Truth (John 20:1-31)

Mary goes out to the tomb to pay her respects to her dead teacher. She finds that the tomb is disturbed, the stone is rolled away, and someone has taken her Lord. She tells the disciples and they believe her report. The disciples are locked in a room, hiding away, and their Lord appears to them two times. How does Christ deal with these skeptics? How does Christ deal with the skeptic who does not believe the apostles' report? How does Christ show that his mission is not just to confirm God's promises, but to shepherd his people?

Grace and Truth In the Flesh (John 18:28-19:16)

We look at Christ and Pilate going back and forth. The issue that we consider is how can Christ say that he is the essence of truth? It seems rather strange that the truth teller is handed over to a foreign official to be put to death. He is not even tried, but rather his own nation hands Christ over to face death. We seek to see and show that Christ is in fact truth despite Christ's kangaroo court.