Living for God (Hebrews 13:1-6)

We are exhorted to let brotherly love continue and to live out the gospel. We are told to trust that the Lord is our shield and defender. The assurance we have is that the Lord will never leave us or forsake us.

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Living by the Better Word (Hebrews 12:14-24)

The Lord assembles us before Mount Zion. We press forward in the confidence of Christ. We are warned not to allow the root of bitterness to spring up in us. The place and anchor point is Mount Zion.

Our Compassionate Priest (Hebrews 4:14-17)

It is easy for us as Christians to see Christ as distant, detached for us, and seated in an unattainable place. This is probably part of the struggle for the church who originally receives this exhortation. We learn from Hebrews 4 is that our redemption is opposite of this perception. We have a savior who can understand our struggle, a priest who is watching over us, a priest who invites us to draw near, and a priest who can understand our struggle. The beauty of this is that our priest is our king. He rules us, but not in tyranny. He has sacrificed himself, has been raised from the dead, and now represents us in the most holy place. Let us draw near to him in boldness and confidence. It is not because we are worthy, but because we have been made worthy in Christ.

(Preached 12.4.2022)

Dangerous Drifters (Hebrews 2:1-4)

We receive an exhortation from Hebrews not to drift away. When we think of drifting we think of the soft and soothing current taking us away. This is like a ship that is slightly off course, but continues off course and eventually misses its port. We are told not to loose sight of Christ because we too might drift away. We are reminded to see the sufficiency and glory of Christ Jesus.

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(Preached in the morning on 10.30.2022)

The Counsel of Peace (Zechariah 6:9-15)

Zechariah moves from being the recipient of visions to the prophet who brings the word of the Lord to the Lord's people. He brings a revelation that a crown is to be placed on the priest's head, and then the crown is the be placed in the temple. The promise is that the branch brings the council of peace between them both. We might think that there is a tension between the king in Israel and the priest. However, it is not an issue of the people, but the separate offices. Zechariah is speaking of the priest king who has no beginning of days nor end of days that we know as Melchizedek.