Why Two Natures? (LD 6; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21)

In 2 Corinthians 5:16-21, Paul explains the transformative power of the gospel and the ministry of reconciliation given to believers. He begins by stating that we no longer view anyone from a worldly perspective, including Christ. If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; the old has passed away, and the new has come.

Paul emphasizes that all of this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. This means that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, not counting people's sins against them. Instead, He entrusted believers with the message of reconciliation.

Paul concludes by identifying believers as ambassadors for Christ, appealing to others on God's behalf to be reconciled to Him. He underscores the gospel's essence: God made Christ, who had no sin, to be sin for us, so that in Him, we might become the righteousness of God.

Christ is taking on our sin so that we might receive His righteousness, showcasing the depth of God's grace and the transformative power of the gospel.

Discerning Our Redemption (1 Cor. 10:14-22; 11:23-24; LD 30)

We are called to examine ourselves when we come to the Lord's Table. There is a frightening reminder that there are some who have died in the midst of the Corinthian congregation. Can we come to the table with confidence? How much examination should we do?

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Elihu's Apologetic (Job 32:1-22)

Prior to Job 32 there have been a lot of words, speeches, and exchanges about suffering.  The speeches are frustrating because there is no resolution on the horizon.  The counselors and Job are finally finished with their bantering, but the book is not resolved.  Job is the last one to speak, but his words are not all that God glorifying.  Is there another man who can step up and offer some wisdom, offer some insight, or maybe a different perspective?  We meet Elihu.  Who is this man, and why has he been silent for so long?

Suffering Servant:Suffering Warrior (Isa. 52:13-53:12)

When Isaiah speaks of the suffering servant we think that this is a champion who will prevail and will not falter.  You would hope that a warrior would be one who would show up with armor, and adorned in such a way that the nations would tremble to be in his midst.  However, this is not how the Lord conducts this war.  What does this servant look like?  What kind of servant and warrior do we see?