The Circumcision of Christ (Luke 2:21)

This passage focuses the circumcision and naming of Jesus, which took place eight days after His birth, fulfilling the Law of Moses. This act symbolizes Jesus' full identification with humanity and His submission to God's Law from the very beginning. Naming Him Jesus, which means 'the Lord saves,' foreshadows His mission to save His people from their sins. It points to the incarnation of God in Jesus, who came to live a perfect life and fulfill the Law on our behalf as one who will die a cursed death. His resurrection confirms his perfection and the promise of the covenant of grace.

Defend the Faith

Rev. Freswick summarizes presuppositional apologetics which argues that all reasoning and argumentation rest on foundational beliefs or presuppositions. This approach maintains that Christian faith is the only basis for rational thought, as it provides the necessary preconditions for intelligibility, morality, and science. Rather than trying to prove Christianity from a neutral standpoint, presuppositional apologetics challenges the unbeliever's worldview, demonstrating that without the God of the Bible, their worldview cannot consistently account for logic, morality, or meaning.