Increase Our Faith (BC 24; Luke 17:5-10)

Mr. Sen Zorilla exhorts us this evening from Luke 17:5-10.

The disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith. In response, Jesus tells them that even a small amount of faith, as small as a mustard seed, can achieve great things, such as uprooting a mulberry tree and planting it in the sea.

This passage emphasizes that faith takes hold of Christ’s victorious power. As we are united to Christ we seek to live in humble service to God and grow in comprehending that obedience to God is not about earning merit but fulfilling one’s duty in Christ’s power.

Should You Suffer in This Life (1 Peter 4:12-19)

Mr. Sen Zorilla exhorts us this morning from 1 Peter 4:12-19.

The Apostle Peter encourages Christians to be prepared for suffering, particularly for their faith. Suffering for Christ is framed as something to rejoice in, as it means sharing in His sufferings, which will eventually lead to glory when Christ returns.

Peter makes a distinction between suffering for doing wrong and suffering for doing good. He stresses that suffering for being a Christian is honorable and should not bring shame. Instead, believers should glorify God in the midst of their trials.

He concludes by reminding them that judgment begins with God's people, implying that believers must endure these tests faithfully. The passage ends with a call for those suffering according to God's will to continue entrusting themselves to God, the faithful Creator, while doing good.