A Secret or Revealed God? (Romans 1:16-23)

I marvel at how the Lord works through various men in history. Consider the sermon preached by Jonathon Edwards titled “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” Jonathon Edwards supposedly preached that sermon in a monotone fashion, but it sparks the great awakening. John Owen is not someone known for a lot of contemporary rhetoric or contemporary oratory winsomeness, but yet the Gospel went out in power. Many today would say Owen is complicated, technical, and maybe even boring. You think of Calvin being sickly, technical at times, and yet the Gospel goes out. The Lord still uses these men despite contemporary advancements in our human wisdom. What is the power behind this message? Is it the man or is it the message? What about this message is so powerful?


Serious Woes (Matthew 23:13-33)


Tough Empathy (Romans 12:15, 16)