Our One Advocate (I John 2:1; BC 26)

Christ has ascended into heaven. Scripture implies that heaven is above the sky. Heaven is far away, and so is our Lord. This is what we are tempted to think and we can be tempted to think that our Lord is too busy to keep track of us. Is this the case? Should we find others to pray on our behalf because our Lord is too busy? How do we know that Christ has done enough and continues to intercede for us?

God Calls His Community

We do a series that piggy backs on God’s Pilgrim People.  Now we are going to look at the overall structure of Scripture where we see the whole of the scripture rather than the historic progression.  This is an introduction to the series, but we also hear some important precautions about our human tendency as we start this new series considering our heavenly citizenship. 

Are you an Insider or Outsider?

When Christ teaches the crowds he does not care about one's genealogy. This means that one is not necessarily disqualified or qualified to follow Christ because they are child of Abraham. However, this is also true for the gentiles. Christ calls the crowd to be insiders of the kingdom whether they are a literal child of Abraham or a gentile. This leads to the logical question: how do I know if I am an insider?

Why Study the Old Testament? (2 Peter 3; BC 25)

Peter is the spokesmen for the apostles. In fact, we would expect Peter to silence critics by making an apostolic decree to silence any skepticism of the gospel. Peter does not do this at the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 and he does not do this when he writes his second letter to the church. How does Peter prove that Christ is coming again if he does not just make an apostolic decree? How does the Old Testament prove Peter's point?

He Has Saved Us! (Matthew 28)

The resurrection affords us great comfort because we know for certain that those in Christ will be raised to life. The resurrection consoles us as we think about parting at the end of this life. However, can Christ's resurrection grant us comfort now? Can Christ's resurrection accomplish something other than merely guaranteeing my resurrection? Why is Chris's resurrection so essential for Christianity?

Can He Save Us? (Matthew 27:55-66)

We mighty wonder how Christ's burial contributes to the success of his mission. One thing we note is that Christ cannot remain on the cross as a covenant breaker, but he must be taken down to fulfill the Mosaic law. This is also fulfills what the Lord spoke through Isaiah that the suffering servant would be buried in a rich man's tomb. Matthew subtly shows us that the Lord continues to fulfill his mission even in death. So, we can see the fulfillment of the Old Testament, but how can Matthew's recounting of Christ's burial assure us that Christ is able to save us from our sins?

Comissioned Pilgrims

It is tempting to think that Christ’s resurrection only guarantees our resurrection.  However, the Gospel accounts communicate that Christ’s resurrection does far more than merely guarantee a resurrection.  What does Christ’s resurrection guarantee?  How does Christ’s resurrection encourage us today to continue to fight the good fight while we are on our earthly pilgrimage? 

Living as a New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The Corinthian church appears to doubt Paul's apostolic credentials because he does not seem spiritual enough or like the guru they have come to expect. Paul encourages the church to shift and reorient their focus. Where is the church called to orient its focus? How does this shift in focus change our priorities? How does this shift in focus conform us to Christ?

Mount Zion Prevails (Obadiah 1:15-21)

Human beings want to build their own heaven on earth. This is not something new nor is it necessarily sinful because the Garden of Eden was a taste of heaven on earth. When does this desire become sinful? Will man be able to build heaven on earth when it seems that God is silent? Is this a legitimate problem or just a problem with our perception?

Righteousness of Faith (2) (Philippians 3:1-11)

The apostle Paul is one who could be very confident in his fleshly works. Paul himself says that he was blameless by the standard of the law. Why would the Apostle Paul need Christ if he is blameless? Why is Paul's life as a pharisee important for us to know? What does it teach us about being set free in Christ?

Day of Calamity (Obadiah 10-14)

Edom is confident that as long as they dwell on top of the mountain they are on top of the world. No one can bring them down, and they can seize the day by continually raiding Judah. Does the Lord see this and does the Lord care? Is this the serpents victory day or is this another day?

Serpent Subjection (Obadiah 1-9)

It can feel as if we are alone and the Lord does not care about our circumstances here on earth. It is very likely that Judah felt this way as the Babylonians marched them out of the land in front of their brother Esau. Esau taunts his brother while Esau is safely nestled in the clefts of the rock. Esau is above the world, but is he above the Lord? Does the Lord see how alone Judah feels and we can feel at times? Will the Lord really bring about His redemptive promises?

Righteous by Faith? (Romans 4:6)

We might want to think that God had two plans for his people. There was a way to heaven for the Israelites and then there is a way to heaven for the Gentiles. However, this is not what the apostle Paul teaches. What does the apostle Paul teach regarding the way of salvation? How do we know that the Lord is consistent in his redemption?

Hope in Exile

Israel forgot her God and is in Babylon in the midst of exile. Israel is away from the promised land as a consequence for their sin.  Has the Lord forgotten his people?  Is this a time to take up arms and revolt like in the time of Joshua? What does Jeremiah tell them?  What does Jeremiah’s exhortation teach us today? 

Maintaining our Profession (Hebrews 10:25)

Hebrews warns us, "that if we go on sinning deliberately…. there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins" (Heb. 10:26). This is a pretty severe warning because it sounds as if we consciously sin then there is no redemption. Further, you combine this warning given to us in Hebrews 6 and we might be temped to give up on our Christian walk. Where is our hope? How do we know that we can attain the substance of our profession? What does it mean to maintain our profession?

The Power of Faith (Ephesians 1:15-23)

“First, we must understand that as long as Christ remains outside of us, and we are separated from him, all that he has suffered and done for the salvation of the human race remains useless and of no value for us.” - Calvin.

So, are we saved by our faith or by Christ? What is the power of faith?

Faithful Despite Faithlessness

Israel is in the land, and Joshua gives his farewell address.  He exhorts the people to consciously choose if they will follow the Lord or the false gods of the land.  We can think that we are going to be faithful or that God should note our faithfulness, but how much of it is really about us?  Where do we find the power to persevere in our pilgrimage? 

Waiting for Yahweh (Psalm 130)

We welcome Rev. Angelo Contrares to our pulpit this evening. Pastor Angelo is an associate minister in our sister church in Ripon, CA.

Pastor Lindemulder went to attend an informational meeting for a Reformed Church Plant in Sheridan, WY. https://sheridanreformed.org