The Resurrection Reception (Luke 24:1-12)

We would not think that death could hold our Lord, but then we have the record of his resurrection.  Why is the resurrection of Christ so essential?  Why do we have such a huge problem understanding the resurrection of Christ?

The Ordeal Champion (Psalm 69)

There are times when we are tempted to think that God is not walking with us in the midst of our trials.  We can think that the Lord is not really there nor is the Lord really all that gracious.  We can think that until we consider the words of Psalm 69.  How can the words of Psalm 69 and the suffering of our Lord encourage us in those trying times? 

Living it Out: Gospel Informed Ethics (2) (Matthew 7:13-29)

So often when people hear about the Gospel they accuse Christianity of being an easy believes. The perception is sometimes given that you just believe the gospel and then living life is a life that is lived for self rather than out of gratitude. However, there is another perception that we have to show we are worthy to receive the grace of God. How do we take the commands in Scripture seriously without making the Gospel a burden?

Living it Out: Gospel Informed Ethics (Matthew 7:01-14

Our Lord gives us the warning about being judgmental.  This is somewhat strange because our Lord will judge the religious rulers in Matthew’s gospel, our Lord pronounces judgments against others, and our Lord does not approve of sin.  So, how can our Lord rebuke us for being judgmental when Christ is the judgmental judge?

Worship Elements: Lord’s Day Services (John 20:1-23)

Christ’s entrance into history has an impact on the way that Old Testaments saints used to worship. We can see the sacrifices going away, the temple going away, and those things that pointed to Christ no longer being necessary for Christ has come. So, does this mean that the church has a precedence of worshipping any desired day of the week? Is the church still supposed to worship morning and evening?

Living it Out: Kingdom Focused (Matthew 6:19-34)

Our Lord calls us to be light in the world. So often we think that we need greater strategies to impact our particular circles. This is certainly something to pray about and to potentially discuss with one another. However, our Lord calls us to look beyond this immediate age. Where are we called to look? How do we know that our Lord is with us as we look to heaven’s glory?

Lord's Day Offering (1 Cor. 16:1-4)

One of the jokes that people make about the Dutch Reformed tradition is that every time the church gets together there is an offering.  This is exaggerated, but it is a perception that people have regarding reformed churches. There are other traditions who do not take an offering in the context of worship, but they put a box in the back of church.  So, why would we take an offering in the context of worship?  

Living it Out (3) (Matthew 6:1-18)

The Lord has given some pretty strong commands as he expounds the intention of the law. We might want to turn away, tune out the sermon, and take our own path. Our Lord continues to give some assurances that he really has come to save sinners. How do we know that our God can and will love a struggling people?

Sabbath People Journeying to Heaven (Heb 4:8-16)

The reality is that the people of God are called to enter the rest that Israel looked to enter. You would think that they arrived in the rest having the land, but yet there is still a day that is marked as a day of rest. How can this exhortation for us to strive to enter that rest be encouraging for us?

Living it Out (2) (Matthew 5:33-48)

Christ gives us the church hard words and difficult words for us to follow.  So, as we hear the next series of commands do we just dismiss them?  Why would Christ give us such impossible things to follow? How do we live out these commands in Scripture? 

Examine Yourself (2 Corinthians 13:1-9)

When we make a profession of faith we might think that we are in the church and we have arrived at the last step in our Christian walk.  We hear the Apostle Paul exhort us through the Corinthian church to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.  Does Paul mean that when people make a profession that they are not in the faith?  Is the Apostle Paul saying that we just randomly loose our faith?  How do we live out this faith in Christ?

Worship Elements: Communion: Sacramental Union (John 6:22-65)

Our Lord makes the promise that the one who eats of the bread and drinks of the cup eats and drinks the flesh and blood of Christ.  How can Christ say such a thing?  We we really want to slaughter our Lord, cannibalize his body, and celebrate such a wicked act?  However, when Christ speaks this sounds exactly like what Christ is inviting us to do.  So, what do we do with this strong language?  How can such language be encouraging?

Communion Instituted (Luke 22:1-23)

Our Lord gathers together with his disciples to celebrate passover.  It is during this passover feast that Christ and the disciples have the first communion or Lord’s Supper. It would seem that if the Lord’s Supper is instituted at passover that the Lord’s Supper and passover would be the same thing.  However, reformed people have not seen them being the exact same thing.  How can we make a distinction between the Lord’s Supper and the Passover?  What has Christ stated that helps us understand this disinction?

Living it Out (Matthew 5:21-32)

The Lord has created human beings to be creative.  This is good because it enables us to create, to build, and to live out what it is to be in the image of God.  However, the down side of this is that we are creative in how we apply the law of God.  If we are seeking to use the law lawfully that is great, but the problem is that we can set up our own standard that is not intended in the law of God.  We might wonder why we would do such a thing, but we find that answer when Christ lays out the intention of the law.  How can we be faithful disciples when the Law of God is impossibly rigorous?  

Worship Elements: Communion: Judge Yourselves (1 Corinthians 10:14-22; 11:17-34)

Paul lays out the declaration for the Lord’s people to judge themselves prior to coming to the Lord’s Supper.  What does this judgment look like?  Paul warns the Corinthian church that some people have actually died because they failed to judge themselves.  How do we know if we have judged ourselves appropriately?  

A Fulfilling Mission (Matthew 5:17-20)

Jesus enters history to fulfill the law and the prophets.  Christ summarizes his mission as the messiah who has entered history fulfill rather than to abolish.  Why is this important?  What does this definition of his mission tell us about Jesus living up to His name?