The Paradox of Wisdom (Matthew 10:16-23)

One would think that being a disciple of Christ would result in instant glory. It must have been an incredible privilege to be sent out by Christ himself, and the people would embrace the messengers of the kingdom with open arms. This is what we would think, but Christ exhorts us to exercise wisdom in a way that almost seems contradictory. On the one hand we are to be humble doves, but on the other hand we are be be slithering serpents. How do we reconcile these two concepts? What is Christ trying to communicate to us?

Is Christ Enough? (Romans 8:1-8)

When we talk about the work of Christ we can talk about Christ securing us, or Christ redeeming us, or Christ paying the debt so we can be righteous. However, is the work of Christ complete enough to save us until the end? How do we know that we will partake of Christ’s work making Christ’s work our work?

The Advantage of Providence (Romans 8:31-39)

One of the main consequences of the fall is that we do not want God to rule over us. We might think that God’s ruling over us is going to limit our fun, our joy, and our contentment in this life. However, what if God’s ruling over us by his providence actually secures our fun, our joy, and our contentment? How do we find contentment in the Lord as he rules over us?

The Kingdom Advances (Matthew 10:5-15)

Matthew alerts us that Christ enters history to save his people from their sins.  One would expect Christ to be received with excitement, but that is not the case.  Now Christ sends out his disciples to the surrounding area to proclaim the gospel.  Will they be embraced with open arms?  Abraham’s children embrace the substance of their redemption? 

We Want a Sovereign Father (Romans 8:18-25)

The Lord rules over this creation and over this world.  When we survey this creation and different challenges that we face in our day to day lives we might question the Lord’s competence.  There is unrest, turmoil, and there is trouble in this world so why do we want our God to be sovereign?  It would seem better if we could try out hand at ruling the world.  So, why is it a good thing that God is sovereign and we are not sovereign? 

Redeemed by a Unique God (Ephesians 2:18)

The doctrine of the trinity is a confusing doctrine. How can God be one God and three persons at the same time? Why would we want to talk about God being one God and three persons? How can such talk be encouraging and necessary? Is it necessary to speak of God being one God and three persons?

God or Satan? (Matthew 9:18-34)

Matthew tells us that this Jesus is the embodiment of Yahweh’s salvation that his name means, “Yahweh Saves.”  There are two ways that we can understand Christ conducting himself.  He could have his authority from Satan so he is only deceiving his followers or he can have his authority from God.  I think that his authority is from God, but who do you say empowers Christ?  This is the question that Matthew desires us to answer. 

Why Do We Have Deacons? (Acts 6:1-6)

Acts 6 lays out a complaint which recalls for us the Old Testament tragedies when Israel complained against the Lord.  It seems as if the New Testament church is just like the redeemed people of Israel who can only complain about the Lord’s shepherding care.  Why is it that the Lord does not consume them?  Why is it that the Apostles actually concede and act on this complaint?  

If you desire to learn more about the office of deacon our federation did a great job studying the office. You can find a PDF version of the study report here.

Is Faith Really Necessary? (Hebrews 11:1-12)

Christians are very familiar with Hebrews 11 which is sometimes called the “Heroes of the faith.”   There is no doubt that they suffered on account of their convictions, but what moved them? Is the point that they believed or is the point that they walked in the faith? What does it mean that they walked in the faith?

Why Was God Made Sin? (2 Corinthians 5:21)

The Apostle Paul uses this strange language that Christ was made sin. How can a holy God be made sin? Is the Apostle Paul just trying to shock us for no reason? Is Paul laying out some sort of heresy? What can the Apostle possibly mean by this language?

Righteous Rebels (Matthew 9:9-17)

There is no doubt that Christ is the standard of wisdom. He is the embodiment of wisdom and so we would expect his followers to embrace him. We find that not only do the pharisees question Christ’s credibility, but so do John’s disciples. What basis do they have to question them? Did Christ do something wrong or are they out of line?

What Sort of Redeemer? (Hebrews 7)

We are a sinful people confirmed in sin and have no hope apart from the Grace of God.  It is a blessing that the Lord shows his grace to us, but how do we know that his grace in enough?  How do we know that the promises of the Gospel are enough to save?  How do we know that having Christ as our priest is enough for our entrance into heaven?

Inconsolable Insiders (Matthew 9:1-8)

Christ comes to the other side of the sea and is in his home town and district.  It would seem that everything is going to go well because now Christ is among his own people who should embrace him.  We find that Christ announces the significance of his office by forgiving sins.  Christ came to redeem us from our sins so why would Christ’s forgiving sins be so controversial?

What Caused our Depravity (Romans 5:12-21)

God is a just God, and God cannot overlook an offense.  This is pretty serious considering we have heard that we naturally hate God and our neighbor. So, how did we get in this position?  Is there a way to escape this place where we find ourselves?

Obtuse Outsiders (Matthew 8:28-34)

When Christ goes outside the land we would expect Christ to be embraced with open arms, but that is not the case. In fact, Christ encounters satanic forces, and then the men of the city affirm the satanic rebellion. What does this tell us about the status of man? What does this tell us about man’s nature desire for God? What does this tell us about the grace of Christ?

Cure for Depravity (John 3:1-15)

If we were left with the news that we are a people who naturally hate God and our neighbor then there is no reason to continue to move forward in life.  In fact, our lives would be meaningless without any purpose at all.  However, the message of the gospel is not something where we just hope we will arrive.  If we are sinful, if we naturally hate God and our neighbor, then how do we really turn to the Lord?

Why So Hateful (1 John 1:8-10)

Our catechism uses strong language that we naturally hate God and our neighbor.  Do we really want to say that we naturally hate God?  Do we really want to say that we naturally hate all people?  Are we really that sinful?  How can we find any way out of this sinful way of life?

Am I an Insider (Matthew 8:18-27)

When we consider the message of Matthew’s gospel the concern is that we discern whether or not we are insiders seeking to do the Lord’s will.  However, if I am not genetically tied to the Israelite people, Abraham is not a direct genetic descendant in my family tree, and I am not genetically tied to the prophets then can I be an insider?  What if my faith is not as strong as it should be does that mean I am excluded from the inside? How do I know if I am an insider who possesses the Gospel promises?

Outsiders on the Inside (Matthew 8:1-17)

Matthew is writing a Gospel not just to confirm that Christ is the Messiah, but to call people to embrace the true Messiah in faith.  So, is this a Gospel that is merely rebuking the Israelites for not embracing their God?  Is this a Gospel that is excessive for one race?  Who can be an insider?