Is Wisdom Traditional? (Job 12:1-13:6)

We can learn a lot from tradition and from many who have gone before us.  We can learn because they are people who have had struggles, setbacks, and experienced success like we have.  We can learn how to cope in each of these situations from the generations before us.  However, Job does not seem that persuaded by the generations who have gone before him.  In fact, Job pretty much rebukes the counselors for listening to wisdom that is traditional for them.  What is Job’s problem?  Why does Job seem to doubt the credibility of wisdom and those who have gone before him?

The Righteous will Always Prevail (Job 8)

Job’s friends came together with the purpose to rally around him and encourage him.  Eliphaz has not done a great job of helping Job as Eliphaz implied that Job deserved this suffering.  Now, it is time for the second counselor to try.  Will Bildad encourage Job?  Is there something we can glean from Bildad as he tries to encourage Job?