Looking Out for the Leaders’ Leaven (Luke 12:1-12)

In Luke 12:1-12, Jesus confronts the hypocrisy of the Pharisees, warning his disciples to beware of the “leaven of the Pharisees.” This is the fermented product from the old loaf that is put in the new loaf. He exposes the dangers of living for outward appearance rather than living by faith in the Holy Spirit. True piety is living before the face of God rather than pleasing the community.  Grace liberates us from living up to the community’s expectations, trying to earn God’s favor, and failing the human standard.  Christ calls us to live with integrity, knowing we are only made worthy in Christ, and will only conform as we are joined to our savior.

Jesus then reassures his disciples that God’s cares for his people. If God notices even the minor details of sparrows being sold and counts the hairs on our heads, how much more does he value us. When we know our worth is secure in God’s love, we are freed to obey him from a heart of gratitude rather than a spirit of fear. This shifts our motivation from self-justification to worship, cultivating a life that manifests God’s character.  We are not living out of fear of judgment, but living as living sacrifices joined to Christ before the Lord’s face.

Finally, Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit as the source of courage and guidance in times of trial. True piety flows not from our strength but from God’s Spirit, who sustains and equips us even in our most vulnerable moments. Jesus warns that we will face persecution and we might not always know how to respond.  However, Christ’s redemption continues to be at work in us in His Spirit.  The Holy Spirit will sustain and give us the words to say in our intense times of trial.


Hell's Haul (LD 16; Isa. 52:13-53:12)


The Perfect Curse (LD 15; Gal. 3:13)