Kingdom Harvesters (Luke 10:1-20)

Jesus sends out 72 disciples in pairs to bear two-fold witness to announce his coming. He gives them specific instructions, telling them to rely on the hospitality of those they meet, heal the sick, and proclaim that the kingdom of God has come near. Their reception in the village determines the village’s reception of the messengers.

They are lambs/sheep among wolves. This kingdom is not here in its full glory as we see Israel experiencing rebellion. The New Testament letters record wolves in various congregations. The kingdom is here with Christ, spiritually realized, but not in full glory.

When the disciples return, they are filled with joy, reporting that even demons submitted to them in Jesus’ name. Jesus responds by affirming their authority over the power of the enemy, but he reminds them that their true joy should come from knowing that their names are written in heaven as sons of peace identified in a new Messianic family.