Applying Active Listening with Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus enters a village, and Martha invites Jesus into her home. She is going to host Jesus with her sister, Mary. Martha is busy preparing and serving while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, listening to his teaching. Frustrated, Martha tells Jesus to make Mary help her. However, Jesus gently tells Martha that while she is worried about many things, “only one thing is necessary.” He explains that Mary has chosen the “better part” by focusing on his teaching, something that won’t be taken from her.

Jesus clarifies that service in our strength is not service to God. One has to start in the renewing work of the Spirit, doing these works in the power of faith. Martha is simply doing and not hearing.


What Sort of Redeemer? (Genesis 3; LD 6)


Are All Saved in Christ? (Romans 5:12-21; LD 4)