God Wins (Daniel 12:1-13)

The book of Daniel is a book that has many ups and downs in terms of the prophet's mission. He advances almost to the top while exiled in Babylon. However, he also has some setbacks. At the end of the book we might wonder what to make of all this? What is the purpose to press forward I Christ? We learn in this final chapter that God's providence and care for this creation are not haphazard. The Lord is moving this creation to his goal while working within the confines of a fallen world. The ultimately spoiler of history is that God wins so it is better to bow one's knee before Christ rather than at the end of the age.


Why the Heinous Cross (Gal 3:12,14 COD Head 2 Arts. 1, 2 RE 2)


Does God Love the Unlovable? (Deuteronomy 10:15)