Blessed are the Persecuted (Matthew 5:11,12)

We are told that persecution is a blessing.  Persecution is suffering.  Normally we do not associate suffering with blessing.  However, Christ assures us that as we are persecuted we are blessed.  Does this mean that Christ condones abuse?  Is Christ saying that blessing and abuse are one and the same?  Does Christ care about the abused and the persecuted? Clearly we know that our Lord does not defend the oppressor and the abuser so clearly Christ cannot condone such immorality.  We know that our Lord is the shield and defender to the abused.  So, how is persecution a blessing? How does persecution testify to our standing in Christ? 


Beyond the Land Promise: 70th Week (Daniel 9:20-27)


Ruminating about God's Grace (Romans 11:28-36; COD Head 1 Art. 18)