Mark of a False Church (Acts 4:1-22)

The true church desires to bend its neck under Christ's yoke. The true church desires to conform to Christ and build Christ's kingdom rather than its own kingdom. The false church desires to build a kingdom unto itself. The false church claims its own authority and might even claim to uphold the Bible. We know that there is no such thing as a perfect church in this age, but at what point is a false church a false church?

Baptized in the Sea (1 Corinthians 10:1-5)

The Corinthian church has many problems and the Apostle Paul uses the precedent of the Exodus to exhort the Corinthian church. Paul does not just recall the Red Sea crossing as part of the Exodus, but he refers to it as a "Baptism." This Baptism is a movement from death to life and it warns the church today that just because someone goes through the actions of Christianity they might not have the blessings of Christ. So, why would we want to baptize infants in light of this precedent?

Am I A Citizen?

We consider what it means that the Lord will put enmity between the Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent.  The Lord is making explicit that as the human race is divided into two lines the Lord determines his citizen and his means.  The Lord will raise up a citizen people through Abraham.  If the promised line comes through Abraham how do we become part of this kingdom? Can we even know if we are citizens of God’s kingdom?

One or Two Baptisms? (Acts 19:1-7; BC 29)

We believe that Baptism is a sign of the covenant and not a sign or our faith. In Acts 19 it appears that the Apostle Paul sees baptism as a sign of faith and the Spirit. In fact, Paul mentions that there are two baptisms. Paul also seems to be saying that we can have faith without the Holy Spirit. What is Paul teaching?

Gracious Gospel Message (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10)

Paul praises the Thessalonians church for following their example. Why would Paul give the church such praise? How does this praise encourage us today? What does this say about our current circumstances today? Overall what does this book communicate about living out the Gospel?

No Salvation Outside the Church? (Ephesians 1; 5:10, BC 28)

Article 28 in the Belgic Confessions says two things that some people find troubling. First, it states that there is no salvation outside the church. What about the thief on the cross? What about deathbed confessions? What about children who die in infancy? Does this mean that the Reformed believed that the church tells the Lord who is in the kingdom and who is outside the kingdom?

The second thing that this article states is that people read that we are not to have fellowship with non Christians. Is the Belgic Confession really teaching that we cannot interact with non Christian people?

How Does One Become A Citizen?

The Lord is going to raise up citizens to dwell in his kingdom. They will be pilgrims in this world. This week we spend a few minutes seeking to lay out how one enters into the Lord’s kingdom. Does the Lord secure every single human being in this age meaning that all are in Christ Jesus no matter what? Does the Lord secure only 144,000 people as a very literal number? Can we even know if we are citizens of heaven and members of God’s Pilgrim Citizens?

Christ's Easy Yoke (Matthew 11:28; BC 28)

Christ is our gracious Lord who takes away the heavy burden. Christ's righteousness goes beyond that of the scribes and the pharisees. Does this mean that we just have to work harder to attain the Lord's favor? Does this mean that we live as we want? How can Christ take away the heavy burden, but still we are called to conform to the Lord?

One Law Two Covenants?

We see the tree of life in the Garden of Eden and in the heavenly temple. It would appear that as Adam has to obey the law and we are called to obey the law that our covenantal arrangement is the same. Do we individually have to earn heaven? How do we enter heaven after Adam Failed? What is the consequence of the fall and what is the consequence of Christ’s success?

God's Triumphing Temple (Habakkuk 2:5-20)

The world seems to have gone awry at different times in history. We might wonder if the Lord really takes note of this age or if the Lord is just sleeping. Habakkuk wants to know what the Lord is doing. The Lord shocked him by saying that he sending the Babylonians to bring judgment. How can the Lord counteract the problem that is worse than what Habakkuk sees?

One Holy Catholic Church (1 Kings 19; BC 28)

The prophet Elijah is very discouraged. It is strange that he would be discouraged. He has won the battle of the gods and rain has been sent in the land. It would seem that these are good things, and why the discouragement? The rain is not good enough for Jezebel because the Baal prophets have been executed. She vows to kill Elijah. Elijah runs to the wilderness to die, and then to a cave at Horeb. The Lord is going to speak, but what is he going to say? How is the Lord going to sustain his servant through this event? How does the Lord give assurance that his church will be preserved until the end?

Gateway to Sabbath Glory

When we do our Bible Studies we can dig down so deep in the significant particulars of Scripture that we miss the overall trajectory of God’s word.  It is important to learn what God desires us to do out of gratitude for our redemption in Christ.  We are called to live as slaves of righteousness as we offer ourselves as living sacrifices to God as we walk in the Spirit.  So, what is the overall thrust of Scripture?  What does the Sabbath teach us about this thrust?  What does the opening passage of scripture teach us regarding our communing with God? 

Just Do My Will (Habakkuk 1:1-11)

We are wise human beings and we know what is best for the world around us. In our wisdom we think that God just needs to listen to us because he does not see things clearly. We begin our study in Habakkuk with the prophet expressing his frustration with God. His frustration is that God does not deal with this world fairly and Habakkuk is upset with the reality he sees. What do we learn about humanity from our prophet? What do we learn about God? What do we learn about our own faulty perceptions?

Our Sympathetic Priest (Heb. 4:14-16; 10:19, 23)

Human beings can cast God in our image rather than seeing humans are created in God's image. We fail to comprehend that God desires us to pursue him, and God himself is the priest enabling our pursuit. We can devise our own schemes to please God without hearing the Lord's means to enter into his presence. How do we know that our Lord is gracious in his call? How do we know that our God is a gracious priest who desires us to lay our burdens on him? How do we know that God is the one who has really redeemed His people?

Great Comission (Matthew 28:16-20)

The disciples run out to meet Christ on a mountain Galilee. We would like to find the mountain, but Christ never identifies the proper mountain. Why is it a mountain Galilee? What does Christ mean that all authority in heaven and earth is given to him? How can such a statement be encouraging for us?