The Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-8)

Christ has just taught us through the disciples that he will suffer and die.  The means to accomplish the goal of his mission to save his people from their sins means that he must suffer and die.  So, if Christ is going to suffer and die then why follow our Lord?  If this is a kingdom that is ultimately defeated then why be a Christian?  Christ shows the ultimate outcome of His mission. 


It is my goal to do daily meditations from Tuesday through Saturday. I am working on getting these uploaded consistently by 5pm. This week I plan to upload videos through Saturday as I continue to tweak the audio. I think next week I will post 3 videos son Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

I will post these to Facebook and Youtube so you can view them on a page that is most convenient for you.

Stealing vs Laboring (Ephesians 4:28)

On the one hand it is very easy for us to say that not stealing is pretty easy.  I mean, we might not struggle with literally shop lifting, or maybe we don’t struggle with smashing a window to steal something out of a shop.  If we do struggle with shop lifting it is pretty easy to acknowledge that is sin because the government will punish for such action.  However, how does this law penetrate deeper into the heart?  Where do we all struggle to live out this command?  How do we positively submit to the Lord?

Chaste Christians (Ephesians 5:15-33)

Normally when we think about the seventh commandment we limit the commandment to keeping the marriage bed pure.  Maintaining the pure marriage bed is certainly part of the commandment against adultery, but it is not all of it. There is a call for us to maintain a focused relationship on the Lord.  What does a focused relationship on the Lord have to do with the seventh commandment?

Satanic Situation (Matthew 16:21-28)

The prophets and the apostles are the bedrock for the Lord’s church.  Peter, the spokesmen for the apostles, is the one who affirms with absolute certainty that Christ is the messiah.  He is the redeemer, the Christ, the Son of God sent to do the Father’s mission.  It would seem that such a strong affirmation is only going to bring Peter to submission.  However, the Christ rebukes Peter in a strong way.  Why is Christ’s mission so difficult to embrace?

Morning Sermon Video: Satanic Situation (Matthew 16:21-28)

The prophets and the apostles are the bedrock for the Lord’s church.  Peter, the spokesmen for the apostles, is the one who affirms with absolute certainty that Christ is the messiah.  He is the redeemer, the Christ, the Son of God sent to do the Father’s mission.  It would seem that such a strong affirmation is only going to bring Peter to submission.  However, the Christ rebukes Peter in a strong way.  Why is Christ’s mission so difficult to embrace? 

Service Update

We are still going forward with service.  We are cancelling coffee time so BYOC if you desire to have coffee.  We do not want to spread anything via the cups, napkins, or the like.  We have also cancelled the potluck at the end of the month to be safe.  So, your kids get a month off.  However, we expect double the work at the end of April.  Just kidding. 

If you are sick, feeling under the weather, please stay home.  We encourage families to use caution so that we do not continue the spread of the Coronavirus.  People were asking me about young people vs the elderly in my last e-mail…. We will accept young at heart who feel healthy.  How is that?  

In terms of streaming:

Plan B is the livestream via Facebook.  It was working yesterday just fine, but it is plan B because it is a bit of a challenge to watch Facebook on a TV.  

The A Plan is the stream via YouTube   The reason we have a plan B is because it takes 24 hours to be approved.  I put in a request yesterday around 2:30 and so Lord Willing I will be approved by 2:30 today.  However, with people staying home from work the 24 hour deadline is not a guarantee.  This is the link to our YouTube channel:  If you subscribe to the channel you will be able to easily watch it on a Smart TV. 

I will keep you updated as the day goes on. 

In Christ,


Veiled Victory (Matthew 16:13-20)

Christ is the messiah who enters history to save us from our sins.  He is our redeemer who brings in the kingdom.  Why does Christ promise such a strong kingdom that will go beyond human history, but then tell his disciples not to tell anyone about his kingdom?  What kind of kingdom can this be?  Is this a kingdom that will go beyond human history?

A United Household (Ephesians 5:15-6:9)

When we talk about marriage or the struggles in the household we want to go right to the commands.  We want to hear what we must do and how hard we must try to be successful Christians.  However, the Apostle Paul labors to communicate that we cannot do if the work has not been done.  What work needs to be done?  What life needs to be lived before we can live out the Christian life?  How do we promote a unified household in the Lord?

Nurtured to Sabbath Glory (1 Timothy 4:11-16)

Paul is addressing the reality that the Christian life is not so easy to live out.  It is a life of struggle, temptation, and we have seen a turning away from the gospel.  So, how do we keep our focus and orientation on the proper goal?  How do we manage our priorities in the Lord?

Blessing the Nations (Matthew 15:29-39)

Christ feeds his people as they come out to receive his teaching.  This is literally accomplished when Christ feeds the 5000 people.  Christ primarily feeds Israel .  Christ clearly communicates through this feeding that we will be satisfied in the Lord.  Why does the Lord perform this feeding a second time? Is Christ affirming that the first feeding was insufficient?  Why feed two crowds? 

Honoring God with Integrity (James 5:12)

James tells us, “do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath” which sounds like we are not to take an oath under any circumstances.  However, our catechism teaches that we can take an oath.  Does this mean that we are merely traditionalists following our tradition?  Can we see in Scripture times when we do take an oath?

What Makes Us Unclean? (Matt. 15:1-20)

The pharisees desire to confront Christ because they think that Christ is the one who is misleading his disciples.  The pharisees, righteous leaders of Israel, think that Christ should wash before meals.  Christ and his disciples do not wash before meals and the pharisees are offended.  Why does Christ offend them?  What is the fundamental problem with humanity?

God’s Comforting Oath (Isaiah 45:23)

Israel is in exile when Isaiah writes chapter 45.  You would think that all is lost because Israel has failed, they are in a foreign land, and God should be done with them.  The Lord does not discard his people, but binds himself to deliver his people out of exile.  What does this deliverance teach us about God’s name?  What does this deliverance teach us about the Lord’s redemptive promise?