Bearing God's Name (Colossians 3:12-17; LD 36)

The Apostle Paul exhorts us to put on Christ. We are exhorted to be consciously set apart in Christ Jesus. The hidden mystery, that is God's plan of redemption, has been manifested and shown in Christ. As we are joined to Christ by the Spirit and Faith we are called to walk in a manner that honors Christ. We are not doing this to become God's holy people, but because we are God's holy people. We clearly bring glory to Christ's name because of His redemptive work. We seek to discern what is pleasing to him out of gratitude.

What About the Others? (Hebrews 11:32-40)

We conclude the catalogue of saints who have gone before us. Hebrews concludes the catalogue of saints with some who had to wait upon the Lord in extreme circumstance, and others who experienced the Lord's exceptional blessing. As we wrap up this catalogue of saints we marvel at the Lord's sustaining power throughout covenant history.

God’s Exclusive Worship (LD 35; 2 Kings 18:4, 5)

The Lord calls us to worship him exclusively. We can be creative in our worship. We struggle to follow the Lord and to follow him exclusively. We see this in Judah and also note Hezkiah reforming worship.

Moses’ Precedent (Hebrews 11:23-31

The author of Hebrews continues to lay out the significance of the Old Testament saints looking to the one Christ. We are tempted to elevate these heroes rather than seeing the power that is behind their actions.

Preached: Morning April 30, 2023

God’s Exclusive Relationship (LD 34; Eph. 5:5)

We might think that idolatry is something that only other people do. If we are honest, we will see that we are blinded to our own affections and self righteousness. We do not see that there are things in this age, not necessarily sinful things, but things that can distract us from our God. This is why it is so important that we understand we are children of God, and it is because we are redeemed in Christ that we have an exclusive relationship with our God. So, when we are exhorted to discern what is pleasing to the Lord then we are invited to see what things do distract us and to be tender to the things that may distract us from Christ. However, we must always remember that we are beloved children of God and we persevere by His grace and power.

The Faithful Precedent (Hebrews 11:8 22)

It is common for Christians to see Hebrews 11 as a catalogue of the Heroes of the Faith. This is not necessarily wrong, as there is a precedent of people who walked by faith, but it is lacking completion. You see we assume that they are walk in the faith, but we do not always consider the power that is at work in their lives. We assume that it is faith, but we can miss the undying beam that upholds them in their Christian sojourn.

Free in Christ (LD 33; Ephesians 5:10)

Billy Joel says, "I would rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints." This is a line in "Only the Good Die Young" that has always intrigued me. This would mean that living for God is a life fully of mourning, sorrow, and pure misery. The Apostle Paul does not command us to weep, but to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. In fact, as a Christian we would say that living for God is the source of our joy. In this sermon we consider what it means to live for God and discerning what pleases him.

The Disciples' Christ (Luke 24:18-27)

The unnamed centurion carries out murder. This is not to say that everyone who has died by his hand has been murdered, but his carrying out an order to kill an innocent man is murder. We noted on Friday that the centurion praised God for Christ’s innocence. He saw this with his Roman bias and in darkness.

This is contrasted with the disciples who are familiar with Christ’s ministry. They are perplexed because they thought Christ was the messiah, but Christ died. Christ’s death does not fit into their system. The disciples never thought that Christ’s death has to take away death and definitively destroyed by Christ’s resurrection. So often we think about Christ’s death, but we do not see the significance of his resurrection. This is a reminder that we need to discern who God is rather than define him by our cultural expectations.

Why Obey if Saved By Grace? (LD 32; Matt. 7:17-18)

We are those who are created to do good works. We also know that faith is a gift that is given to us by God. Christ in the Sermon of the Mount gives us very strong exhortations to obey God from our heart. Where does grace fit into all this? Is grace something that enables us to be faithful?

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What is Faith? (Hebrews 11:1-7)

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." This is true, but what is faith? What does faith really do? Hebrews teaches us that faith is the manifestation of the Lord's creative work. It is as we walk in faith that the power of the spirit is manifested.

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Preached out of Heaven (Isaiah 6:4-13; LD 31)

Isaiah receives his commission from the Lord to go and bring the word to God's people. This is not a commission that is really positive as the people will not hear or see the message that Isaiah delivers. They will be deaf and blind to the substance of the message. This seems to be a hopeless mission until we read the holy seed is its stump.

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Consuming Christ? (LD 29; John 6:52-59)

The assurance we have is this, "49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. 50 This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die." - John 6:49, 50.

These are strong words that our Savior utters stating that in order for us to have life we need to consume Christ. We need to remember that Christ tells us we literally consume Christ by taking hold of him by faith and being joined to him.

God’s Promise Secured (Hebrews 10:1-18)

The assurance that we have is that Christ has truly overcome. The letter to Hebrews makes a very strong statement that even the law of God is the shadow of what is to come. If we take this as all the Lord's directives then we should not see Hebrews in Scripture. This would clearly contradict a significant point of doctrine. So the law being the shadow has to refer to the Levitical priesthood and those regulations that show our sinfulness.

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Redeemed to Eat True Nourishment (Luke 22:14-23; LD 28)

Our Lord hosts the passover with his disciples on the night that he is betrayed. He applies the signs of the bread and wine to himself. He says that this is my body and this is my blood. This is sacramental metonymy. Christ is using the bread and the wine in the place of his body.

#sacraments #lordssupper #communion

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Baptism: A Communal Sign (Isaiah 44:1-3; LD 27)

Isaiah, the prophet, speaks of the washing that will go forth. This washing is not just for the adults in the community, but their offspring. The wilderness normally is associated with death, but our Lord will overturn it with life.

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The Blood of the New Covenant (Hebrews 9:11-22)

Christ enters through the tabernacle. He makes the definitive sacrifices and then he sits down at the right hand of God. He is the great priest king who has secured us once for all and establishing the new covenant.

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