Approaching God’s Throne Room (2) (Acts 17:22-27)

When we lay out what Scripture teaches about our God we show from Scripture that God is the one who created this world.  As God is the one who created this world does that mean that he simply made. It, walked away, and allows the world to sustain itself?  If this is the case then it means that our God is rather impersonal.  However, if we make God merely a being who just communes with us then how is he distinct from this creation? 

Cross Ethics (2) (Matthew 18:6-14)

We can say that not caring about the little people is just a contemporary problem.  However, if you look at the Old Testament and Israel’s ideal call they were a nation to be in the forefront to care for the widow and the orphan.  Are these the only little ones that Christ is expressing his concern?  Can we be a little one?  What does it mean that the Lord cares for the little ones?  Does it mean that as the little ones we have a free pass to sin because others made us stumble?  What does the cross teach us about living out the Gospel for our Lord?  

Cross Ethics (2) (Matthew 18:6-14)

We can say that not caring about the little people is just a contemporary problem.  However, if you look at the Old Testament and Israel’s ideal call they were a nation to be in the forefront to care for the widow and the orphan.  Are these the only little ones that Christ is expressing his concern?  Can we be a little one?  What does it mean that the Lord cares for the little ones?  Does it mean that as the little ones we have a free pass to sin because others made us stumble?  What does the cross teach us about living out the Gospel for our Lord? 

Approaching God’s Throne Room (1 John 5:13-15)

It is easy to think that God is distant or that God does not care about the here and now.  However, when we learn about prayer the opposite is rather true: we are those who have life in the Lord and we can talk to our Lord.  Is prayer something that is merely a psychological thing or does the Lord really hear our prayer?  How does our prayer continue to ground us in the Lord?

Approaching God’s Throne Room (1 John 5:13-15)

It is easy to think that God is distant or that God does not care about the here and now.  However, when we learn about prayer the opposite is rather true: we are those who have life in the Lord and we can talk to our Lord.  Is prayer something that is merely a psychological thing or does the Lord really hear our prayer?  How does our prayer continue to ground us in the Lord?

Cross Ethics (Matthew 17:22-18:5)

The motto for today is that one needs to be assertive, significant, and popular to have any value.  There are so many books and videos about how to rise to the top to achieve success.  This is not an American problem, but we find that this is a human problem that we struggle to put to death.  How do we put this to death?  How does Christ encourage us to walk in Christ as His redeemed people?

Competing to Conform? (Phil. 3:12-16)

The apostle Paul continues to compete for the prize.  What is that prize?  Does this mean that the Christian life is some sort of a competition?  Is there a bigger picture?  What does this tell us about conforming and struggling to our Lord as we sojourn through this age?

Competing to Conform? (Phil. 3:12-16)

The apostle Paul continues to compete for the prize.  What is that prize?  Does this mean that the Christian life is some sort of a competition?  Is there a bigger picture?  What does this tell us about conforming and struggling to our Lord as we sojourn through this age? 

Cross Ethics (Matthew 17:22-18:5)

The motto for today is that one needs to be assertive, significant, and popular to have any value.  There are so many books and videos about how to rise to the top to achieve success.  This is not an American problem, but we find that this is a human problem that we struggle to put to death.  How do we put this to death?  How does Christ encourage us to walk in Christ as His redeemed people? 

Truth Confirmed (John 20:1-18)

The resurrection is something that is radical and rather unbelievable to be honest.  However, the resurreciton is necessary for Christ to conform the grace and truth of the Lord's promise.  How does this truth come to bear on the immediate audience?  What does that teach us about ourselves today?

Coveting God (Psalm 19)

Our Lord commands us not to have a thought that would wander from His goodness.  This is a rather difficult command for us to do when we consider that our affections and desires are not set on the Lord as they ought to be set upon the Lord. So, how do we proceed in the confidence of Christ?  How do we proceed in the work of the Lord seeking to honor our Christ as His redeemed?

What is Truth? (John 1:14; 18:38)

John, the gospel writer, invites us to hear the interaction between our Lord and Pilate.  The age old question that has plagued fallen man is asked, “What is truth?”  Can we ever know the answer to this question?  Can we know truth?  If we can know truth then how can this truth be so encouraging and assuring in light of the cross’ offense?

The Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-8)

Christ has just taught us through the disciples that he will suffer and die.  The means to accomplish the goal of his mission to save his people from their sins means that he must suffer and die.  So, if Christ is going to suffer and die then why follow our Lord?  If this is a kingdom that is ultimately defeated then why be a Christian?  Christ shows the ultimate outcome of His mission. 

Stealing vs Laboring (Ephesians 4:28)

On the one hand it is very easy for us to say that not stealing is pretty easy.  I mean, we might not struggle with literally shop lifting, or maybe we don’t struggle with smashing a window to steal something out of a shop.  If we do struggle with shop lifting it is pretty easy to acknowledge that is sin because the government will punish for such action.  However, how does this law penetrate deeper into the heart?  Where do we all struggle to live out this command?  How do we positively submit to the Lord?

Chaste Christians (Ephesians 5:15-33)

Normally when we think about the seventh commandment we limit the commandment to keeping the marriage bed pure.  Maintaining the pure marriage bed is certainly part of the commandment against adultery, but it is not all of it. There is a call for us to maintain a focused relationship on the Lord.  What does a focused relationship on the Lord have to do with the seventh commandment?

Satanic Situation (Matthew 16:21-28)

The prophets and the apostles are the bedrock for the Lord’s church.  Peter, the spokesmen for the apostles, is the one who affirms with absolute certainty that Christ is the messiah.  He is the redeemer, the Christ, the Son of God sent to do the Father’s mission.  It would seem that such a strong affirmation is only going to bring Peter to submission.  However, the Christ rebukes Peter in a strong way.  Why is Christ’s mission so difficult to embrace?

Morning Sermon Video: Satanic Situation (Matthew 16:21-28)

The prophets and the apostles are the bedrock for the Lord’s church.  Peter, the spokesmen for the apostles, is the one who affirms with absolute certainty that Christ is the messiah.  He is the redeemer, the Christ, the Son of God sent to do the Father’s mission.  It would seem that such a strong affirmation is only going to bring Peter to submission.  However, the Christ rebukes Peter in a strong way.  Why is Christ’s mission so difficult to embrace?