Deceived then Relieved (Genesis 3:15)

Do we think about what it means when we say things like, “Jesus is the reason for the season?”  There is no doubt that Christ’s entrance into history is significant, but why is it significant?  What does it teach us about God being Sovereign and man not being as sovereign as man thinks?

Why Pray if God is Sovereign? (Romans 8:26 (LD 45)

The Lord is a God who rules over all things.  He is king over the heaven and the earth.  He is the one who orders and controls our destiny.  So, if this is all true then why pray?  It is not like you are going to change the mind of a God whose mind does not change.  It is not like you are going to inform Him of something that He does not already know.  So, why is prayer so necessary and significant for the Christian life?

Willing to Suffer (2) (Mark 9:38-50)

The Old Testament forbids man from harming himself, but our Lord seems to be contradicting His command to Israel by advocating that we cut off a body part that may cause us to stumble.  Does the Lord really want us to cut off body parts?  How is the Lord different from Baal when the priests of Baal cut themselves in 1 Kings? If our Lord does not desire us to maim our bodies then what does our Lord mean when he talks about cutting off parts of our body that lead us into sin?

Thankful for Steadfast Love (Psalm 118)

Thanksgiving is a time of the year when we should be thankful for the Lord’s provision and care.  Many times we can focus on the material blessings we desire or the physical blessings that we see around us.  It is not necessarily a bad thing for us to think about the Lord blessing His children with material gifts, but we can loose sight of the giver.  How do we put the blessings of the Lord in the proper perspective?  What is the most basic blessing that the Lord has provided for us?

Why Move Forward? (Philippians 3:12-16 (LD 44)

We conclude the teaching on the law of God from the catechism.  The tenth commandment is that we are not to desire anything that goes against the law of the Lord.  So, we know that we are not to desire something contrary to God, but we do which is why we sin.  How do we move beyond sin?  Do we conform to the Lord because it is better to conform to Him rather than not conforming to Him?

Beyond a Land Promise (Genesis 17:1-27; Acts 2:29-41)

The Lord makes a promise to Abraham about bringing about His kingdom through the champion line.  This promise is tied to a land and also to circumcision.  Why would we desire to appeal to this passage for infant baptism?  What does Genesis 17 tell us about the covenant and the covenant sign?  What is Peter saying regarding the application of the covenant promises to us?

Loving the Truth (1 Corinthians 13:1-13 (LD 43)

We know that Paul writes one of the most beautiful passages on love.  It is a passage that we use many times for wedding meditations and unfortunately have potentially emptied this passage of its Christian ethic and challenge for the Christian life.  So, what does this love have to do with the Christian life?  What does this passage on love have to do with telling the truth?

Willing to Suffer (Mark 9:30-37)

We might think that the kingdom of God is a kingdom of glory.  There is glory in the kingdom of God, but that is not the whole story.  What is involved in the kingdom of God prior to the glory?  Why is it so offensive that the very men who bring the kingdom are rebuked when they discuss their significance in the kingdom?

Beyond Stealing (Galatians 6:1-10 (LD 42)

There are many theories on how to manage money.  We could say that we manage it well because we give a lot to the Lord.  The issue is why are we being generous?  Is it because we believe that the Lord will return our money tenfold?  Are we doing it because our conscience has been bound to do so?  Are we doing it because we know that the Lord loves a cheerful giver? These are questions that impact our generosity and how we should value the Lord and the things of the Lord.  Sometimes we try to be generous because we think that our generosity will be rewarded by God rather than because we know our generosity honors the Lord.  So, how do we manage our finances, our lives, and positively strive to be generous for the glory of the Lord? What is involved in our keeping the commandment that requires us not to steal?

The Inglorious Reward (Mark 9:14-29)

You would think that after showing the glory of heaven to the disciples that there would be great joy in this. Finally, a kingdom that they could embrace, and see.  A kingdom that manifests the glory of the Lord.  However, this is not how the kingdom is manifested with the disciples at all.  So, why is it in the midst of what appears to be the disciples flailing that the kingdom is still working?  Why does Mark include this story in HIs narrative?

Live a Pure Beloved Children (Ephesians 5:2; LD 41)

On the one hand we might feel good about ourselves because we have never had an affair.  We might think that we are better than the ones who have committed such a sin.  On the other hand we might feel horrible about ourselves because we have had an affair.  How do we humble ourselves in the Lord?  How do we approach the Lord appropriately even as struggling sinners?  Why would we humbly desire to offer ourselves to the Lord? How do we move beyond our struggle in sin to stay focused on the proper goal?

The Glory of Suffering (Mark 9:2-13)

The honest truth is that the kingdom of God is very difficult for us to grasp.  There are some who believe that Christ is basically teaching us ethical things and that is what we take from the kingdom.  There are others who see Christ as one thoroughly committed to His beliefs even to death.  Are these fair assessments of Christ’s work?  What is the point of Christ’s suffering and our suffering?  What is the outcome of the suffering?  Is it just to suffer to show fulfillment, or is there something beyond the suffering that keeps it all in perspective?

The Offensive Kingdom (Mark 8:22-9:1)

Our Lord is one who entered history to secure His kingdom. There is no doubt that the kingdom is established, but why not have a palace or even a headquarters? Why would we want such a kingdom where we cannot even find the headquarters? How do we know that the kingdom is here when we cannot see expected buildings in a kingdom?

Murder: Forgive as Forgiven (Colossians 3:1-17 (LD 40)

We can think that it is easy not to commit murder because all you have to do is not take someone's life. If it were that easy then we could see the Ten Commandments as a simple to do list of ten things to do each day. However it seems that it might be a bit more complicated than not literally taking a human life. So, how complicated or big is this issue?  How do we know we conforming to the Lord?

Honor Authority (Colossians 3:17-4:1; LD 39)

It is tempting to think that maybe Paul is clueless about contemporary struggles or maybe he just does not understand our current struggle in this advanced age.  How does Paul exhort us in such a way that what Paul says to the first century church is just a relevant to the 21st century church?

Purposely Defiled by Sinners? (Mark 8:1-21)

You would think that Christ would figure out that if he just worked with the leaders of Israel a little bit then His life would be easier.  So, why does Christ purposely dine with unclean people after having been rebuked?  Why not just give a little sign when he is asked for a sign?  Why such a harsh warning for His disciples?

The Problem of Hard Heartedness (Mark 6:45-56)

There is the temptation that we face, whether we admit it or not, to think at times that we have arrived at a superior place in our sanctification. Now, we might not put it this crassly, but the reality is thatwe do think higher of ourselves than we ought.  Why is that?  We pride ourselves on our systems, our strategies, and our ways overcoming sin.  We do this in the name of growth.  So, what does Christ teach us about Spiritual growth and conforming to Him?