Living in the Name of the Lord (Colossians 3:7-17 (LD 36))

I am sure that we have all heard that claims about God being some sort of mean ogre just waiting to swat disobedient children.  So, you obey this God only because it is better to obey Him than disobey Him.  People can claim this, but just because someone makes the accusation against God it does not mean it is true.  So, why would we want to obey and honor the name of the Lord above our name?

The Problem of Hard Heartedness (Mark 6:45-56)

We are probably tempted to have our favorite villains in the Gospel stories.  We have the Pharisees and the Scribes who conspired to send Christ to the cross.  We have Judas who betrayed Christ and should have known better.  We have Pilate who compromised justice to save himself from having a potentially huge political mess.  However, we do not think about our issues and the gospel?  What about the disciples and their struggle?

Everlasting Nourishment (Mark 6:30-44)

We might wonder from time to time why Jesus does all these miracles and theatrics.  Why not just tell us the point?  Why not just live, die, and be raised?  Why these miracles for a time?  What is the purpose behind these miracles?  Why does Jesus feed 5000 people with 5 loaves and two fish?

Why Trust in One God? (James 1:17 (LD 34))

There is a famous statement that you do not want to put all your eggs in one basket.  The point is that if you drop that basket it breaks all the eggs leaving you with nothing.  So, it is wiser to distribute your wealth across different baskets.  If this is true then why worship one God?  It would seem to make sense to worship a variety of gods to cover all basis?  Why is it wise to worship one God and live your life in light of HIs promises?

Which King Prevails? (Mark 6:7-30)

One great struggle with being a Christian is seeing the world continually slide down hill when we want it to be getting better.  Is this something that is unique to our time?  Does this mean that the Lord has turned His back on us and this world?  Does this mean that the Lord has been dethroned from all His glory?

The Ethics of a Fool (2 Corinthians 11:1-15)

The Heidelberg Catechism teaches that the Christian life is a life of gratitude.  If we are saved by grace then why live in gratitude to God?  Why would we want to live in gratitude to God?  Why is Paul's foolish life so significant for our Christian life?

Death Defying Lordship (Mark 5:21-43)

Our Lord rules over the heavens and the earth.  There is no doubt that He is busy and has many things to tend to daily.  How do we know that He really cares about the little people that He has redeemed?  How do we know that He is sovereign enough to overpower everything in this age? 

God's Holy Household (1 Corinthians 7:1-16)

So why do we baptize infants? Is this a sign of faith or is it the precedent that has been set in the Old Testament? As we consider Paul’s language we see that he is using the Old Testament language and applying it to the church. The logical conclusion is that as infants are part of God’s household of faith in the Old Testament so they are part of the household of faith in the New Testament.

Lord over the Legion (Mark 5:1-20 )

When two armies face off there are two important things you want in your favor.  First, you want the element of surprise so that the other Second, you want to overwhelm your enemy with greater forces.  The demons have both on their side, but will Christ have to retreat?

The Keys of Restoration (Galatians 6:1-5 (LD 31)

The kingdom of God is something that is strong and powerful.  It is something that is also exclusive in the sense that not everyone is found in this kingdom, but only those who are Christians.  So, how does one get into this kingdom?  Why should someone want to be in this kingdom?  Are there benefits to being in this kingdom or not? What should the church do if someone is living a life that excludes them from the kingdom?

The Lord of the Land and the Sea (Mark 4:35-41)

We believe that God is sovereign and rules over all things.  This is helpful when you talk about theology and God’s continued care for this world.  So, why would we care about God being sovereign in terms of our redemption?  What does God being sovereign and Lord over this creation really mean for our redemption?

Why Such and Exclusive Feast? (1 Corinthians 10:14-22; 11:28, 29 (LD 30)

When we look at the Lord’s Supper we might think that this is something that is empty or something that we do on Sunday.  Our concern is that this is something that could just be a mere sentimental memory of Christ rather than communing with Christ.  How do we know that this supper is more than that?  How do we see that this supper challenges us to live in an exclusive relationship with the Lord?

Why the Parables? (2) (Mark 4:21-34)

The parables are stories that can be difficult to grasp.  You can discern their challenge when you read commentaries and how people analyze all the different parts of the parables with differing opinions.  What can we take from the parables that is truly edify?  What is the clear message of the parables as we consider their message? How do the parables serve to cut us to the heart when we wrestle with the implications of the gospel?

Why the Parables? (Mark 4:1-20)

We speak of parables being, “earthly stories with a heavenly meaning.”  This is not necessarily something that is wrong or horrible.  However, it does not explain fully why Christ speaks in parables.  Why does Christ speak in parables?  Mark 4 is a passage that helps us see why the parables.

Tasting the Bread of Life (John 6:35-40; LD 28)

It is easy for us to beat up on the immediate audience that meets with Christ and asks Christ for things that might seem silly to us.  In other words as Christians we might think that it is silly to ask Christ to provide bread.  In our minds this might be something that is so short sighted.  If we are honest, there are many things in our lives that miss the promises of Christ, the provision of the Gospel, and the ultimate peace of the kingdom.  How does the sacrament of communion help to refresh in us the life of the kingdom?  How does it call us to look beyond this world?

Christ’s Family (Mark 3:7-35)

We can understand why people who were genetically tied to Abraham may be tempted to think that they had a better place or a guarantee of Yahweh’s love.  They have a genetic tie to the Lord giving them special privilege or so we think.  What about the immediate family of Christ?  They are those who witnessed the birth and maturing of Christ.  They really have a right to determine His treatment.  So, why is their intervention for Christ so wrong and so encouraging at the same time?