Fortified from Satan (Luke 11:14-28)

Jesus heals a man who was mute due to demonic possession, sparking amazement among the crowd. However, some accuse Him of using demonic power (Beelzebul) to cast out demons, while others demand a sign from heaven to prove His authority. Jesus responds with powerful logic, exposing the absurdity of their claim—why would Satan work against himself? Instead, Jesus declares that His work is evidence of God’s kingdom breaking in.

He warns that neutrality is not an option; those who are not with Him are against Him. He further cautions that simply ridding oneself of evil without filling the void with God leads to greater vulnerability. A clean but empty “house” is an open invitation for even worse spiritual oppression. Finally, when a woman in the crowd praises Jesus’ mother for giving Him birth, He redirects the focus, saying that true blessedness comes from hearing and obeying God’s Word.

This passage reveals the radical claim of Jesus’ authority and the decisive nature of following Him. It warns against the dangers of superficial spiritual change—reformation without the Lord’s transformation. Jesus doesn’t just aim to remove evil; He wants to renovate and regenerate with the presence and power of God.

Comforted by Abba (LD 8; Galatians 4:1-7)

In Galatians 4:1-7, Paul explains that believers in Christ are no longer like slaves with no real exercise of the inheritance.  It is in Christ that we are children of God through faith. We are no longer under the tutor who would teach us to be adults and function at some point as an adult.

With Christ’s coming, however, believers are redeemed from this bondage. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are not only set free as adults walking in the Spirit but also adopted into God’s family. This adoption allows them to call God “Abba, Father,” a deeply personal and intimate term that conveys closeness.  God is not a Roman Father who is harsh and unpredictable.  Rather, he is a Father who shepherds his children desiring to see them grow in him.

The use of “Abba, Father” reflects a significant shift from a relationship based on law and obligation to one based on grace and family.  It changes our motivation: we obey not out of fear but love and gratitude. With the Spirit within us, we can confidently approach God, not to earn favor but because we are already fully embraced as His children. This adoption and inheritance change everything, grounding our identity and security in God’s love rather than our performance.

Our Prayer (Luke 11:1-13)

Jesus’s disciples want to learn how to pray from their teacher. Jesus teaches them to pray to the father who places our absolute reliance on our heavenly father as citizens of his kingdom.

Jesus then shares a parable about a persistent friend. In this story, a man goes to a friend at midnight to ask for bread. At first, the friend is reluctant, but because of the man’s persistence, he eventually gives him what he needs. This parable illustrates the importance of persistence in prayer.

Jesus further encourages His disciples to “ask, seek, and knock,” promising that those who do so will receive answers. He emphasizes God’s desire to give good gifts. If fallen fathers know what is good for their children how much more our creator and redeemer? Ultimately, the greatest gift is the new birth, the entrance into the new family, and calling upon our heavenly father as Abba.

Comforting Assurance (Ephesians 2:1-10)

Ephesians 2:1-10 highlights the transformative power of God’s grace in the lives of believers. Historically because of Adam we are dead, living in sin and separated from God (verses 1-3). However, in verses 4-5, God takes the iniative by his mercy and love making us alive together with Christ.  His resurrection is not just overcoming our physical death, but moves us from children of wrath to children of God.

In verse 8-10, Paul makes it clear that salvation is a gift from God, not something earned by works. He states that we are saved through faith, and even faith itself is a gift from God. This means no one can boast about their salvation, because it is solely by God’s grace, not by human effort.  We only live out the gospel by the Lord’s power.

Boldly Approaching Heaven's Holy Place (Hebrews 10:19-25)

Hebrews 10:19-25 emphasizes the boldness and confidence believers have in approaching God, based on the sacrifice of Jesus. In verses 19-22, the writer encourages Christians to draw near to God with sincerity and full assurance, holding fast to the hope of salvation, because we have a final priest who has cleansed and opened the heavenly sanctuary. It is our priest who represents us in heaven, he stands over his church, but guarantees that we can draw near to God.

Verse 22 is the first of three exhortations that we draw near to God.  We are not distant from God even while we are on this earth.

Verse 23 urges believers to hold tightly to their confession of faith without wavering, we are exhorted to stand firm in the hope that God is faithful to fulfill His promises.

Verses 24-25 call the community to encourage one another toward love and good deeds, especially as the Day of Christ’s return draws near. The passage underscores that our confession of faith—declaring and affirming our hope in Christ—should be lived out through mutual support and active participation in the life of the church as a people joined to the one priestly redeemer.

What Sort of Redeemer? (Genesis 3; LD 6)

Genesis 3 records the fall into sin. This is a tragic day when Satan enters the garden, challenging the Lord’s word. Eve is tempted, and Adam fails to defend the Garden Sanctuary. They eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil only to discover that death is separation from their communion and fellowship with God. Adam and Eve realize their nakedness, and they are ashamed, contrasted to the Lord’s creation when they were naked and unashamed. Now, they do not want to be vulnerable before the living God. Their fellowship is instantly broken. This act of disobedience brings sin and death into the world, altering humanity’s relationship with God.

God pronounces consequences on the serpent, the woman, and the man. Speaking to the serpent, God says, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will crush his heel” (Genesis 3:15). Humanity will be divided into two lines. There is the seed of the woman represented by the Messiah. Adam defected to the Satanic army. The Lord will rise and triumph over the Satanic Army as some of the human race will be the Lord’s seed, and some will be left on their course as Satan’s seed.

The Lord sets up a guarding angel with a flaming sword that administers eternal death. Anyone who gains access to the tree will be cut off. The Lord provides cover for Adam and Eve, symbolizing the first sacrifice. The Lord will pass through the sword as the God/Man. He will take the eternal punishment that man cannot endure. The first gospel is proclaimed in paradise as Adam and Eve are pushed out of the garden sanctuary. Jesus Christ will enter history, live a perfect life to consecrate his people, endure eternal punishment, and rise in victory to live in the heavenly temple as our eternal priest.

Applying Active Listening with Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)

In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus enters a village, and Martha invites Jesus into her home. She is going to host Jesus with her sister, Mary. Martha is busy preparing and serving while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, listening to his teaching. Frustrated, Martha tells Jesus to make Mary help her. However, Jesus gently tells Martha that while she is worried about many things, “only one thing is necessary.” He explains that Mary has chosen the “better part” by focusing on his teaching, something that won’t be taken from her.

Jesus clarifies that service in our strength is not service to God. One has to start in the renewing work of the Spirit, doing these works in the power of faith. Martha is simply doing and not hearing.

Are All Saved in Christ? (Romans 5:12-21; LD 4)

In Romans 5:12-21, Paul explains how sin entered the world through our representative Adam, leading to death for all humanity. He contrasts Adam’s disobedience with Christ’s obedience. While sin and death spread through one man’s failure, God’s grace and the gift of righteousness come through Jesus.

Paul emphasizes that just as death reigned through Adam, grace reigns through Christ, offering eternal life to those who believe. Paul points out that all in Christ are saved, and all in Adam are condemned. This is not a universal salvation but a consolation that Christ’s work overcomes Adam’s fall for all who are in Christ Jesus.

How To Be Saved? (Luke 10:21-37)

Jesus rejoices in the revelation of truth to the humble and contrasts it with the wise. By God's grace, anyone is considered among the humble.

Christ then engages with a lawyer who asks, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” The man summarizes God’s law. The lawyer, seeking to justify himself, asks, “Who is my neighbor?”

In response, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. In the story, a man is attacked and left for dead. A priest and a Levite pass by without helping, but a Samaritan considered an outsider, stops to aid the man, showing compassion. Jesus concludes by asking which of the three acted as a neighbor, teaching that the kingdom boundaries are beyond Israel and transcend social boundaries. We are not to ask who is my neighbor, but to ask, “How can I be a better neighbor?”

God’s Temporary Truce (Genesis 8:20-9:17; LD 3)

Genesis 8:20–9:17 Noah the soother gives off a soothing aroma after the ark rests (noahs) on the top of Mount Ararat. builds an altar and offers sacrifices, which pleases God. God delivers Noah, and his family, through the flood onto a new creation. It is the precedent and picture of God shepherding his church from this world to the glorified creation.

God blesses Noah and his sons, commanding them to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. He allows them to eat animals but forbids blood, symbolizing life. God also declares that human life is sacred, stating that anyone who sheds human blood will be held accountable. God will restrain sin so the gospel can go forth.

The sign of the rainbow is a reminder that the Lord has put down his war bow. He will preserve this creation through seedtime and harvest and the various seasons. However, he will pick up that war bow on the final Har Maggeden (mountain of judgment) day and put down the rebellion. This narrative teaches that one wants to be part of the ark community. One wants to be part of the community that has moved through death and now possesses everlasting life in Christ Jesus. Yes, man has a season to continue to rebel, but man’s rebellion will not spiral out of control. However, the Lord will squash man's rebellion once and for all. The Lord is teaching that he will shepherd his people into the new heavens and earth.

Kingdom Harvesters (Luke 10:1-20)

Jesus sends out 72 disciples in pairs to bear two-fold witness to announce his coming. He gives them specific instructions, telling them to rely on the hospitality of those they meet, heal the sick, and proclaim that the kingdom of God has come near. Their reception in the village determines the village’s reception of the messengers.

They are lambs/sheep among wolves. This kingdom is not here in its full glory as we see Israel experiencing rebellion. The New Testament letters record wolves in various congregations. The kingdom is here with Christ, spiritually realized, but not in full glory.

When the disciples return, they are filled with joy, reporting that even demons submitted to them in Jesus’ name. Jesus responds by affirming their authority over the power of the enemy, but he reminds them that their true joy should come from knowing that their names are written in heaven as sons of peace identified in a new Messianic family.

Slaying the Giant Problem (Genesis 6:1-22)

In Genesis 6:1-11, humanity is multiplying on earth, but as it grows, so does its corruption. The "sons of God" or “elohims” or “sons of the rulers” claim godlike statuses like Pharaoh or the elohims who meet with the true Elohim in Psalm 82.  These from the dirt men claiming to be gods take wives for themselves.  The mighty giant race, Nephilim, is there.

However, God sees that human wickedness is widespread, and every intention of their hearts is evil continuously. This grieves God deeply, and He regrets creating humanity, deciding to wipe them out with a flood. Yet, Noah stands out as a righteous man, finding favor in God’s eyes.  The Lord shows He is the Elohim over this creation and even mightier than the Nephilim.

Initiating the Exodus (Luke 9:51-62)

In Luke 9:51-62, Jesus resolutely sets out for Jerusalem, knowing His mission involves suffering and sacrifice. On the way, a Samaritan village rejects Him, but He rebukes His disciples for wanting to call down judgment on them. As they continue, different people express a desire to follow Jesus, but He warns them that following Him demands radical commitment. He tells one that the Son of Man has no place to rest, indicating the hardship of discipleship. To others, He stresses that nothing, not even family obligations or looking back at past life, should take precedence over following Him.

This passage teaches that Christ’s exodus is laser focus on the heavenly Jerusalem.  The values and priorities of this age all submit to the the goal of the heavenly Vision of Peace (Jerusalem).

What is Your Comfort? (Titus 2:11-15; LD 1)

Paul writes this letter to Titus in Crete. Paul encourages Titus to teach believers to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age. Believers are encouraged to see themselves stationed between two epiphanies, that is two events where God has manifested himself. On the one hand God redeems an international people by confirming his promises in Christ which is the first epiphany. We are called to look forward to the blessed hope of Jesus Christ’s return, second epiphany, who gave Himself to redeem and purify a people for His own possession, eager to do good works. We live between these two Christ events knowing that our Lord continues to purify and work in his people.

God’s Ark People (1 Peter 3:18-22)

In this passage, Peter highlights the profound work of Christ in His suffering and victory, showing how the gospel reshapes everything—even our understanding of baptism. Jesus, the perfectly righteous one, suffered and died for the unrighteous to bring us to God, demonstrating that salvation is entirely a work of grace. He didn't just die; He was resurrected, triumphing over all spiritual forces.

Peter then connects this victory to the story of Noah, using the flood as a powerful analogy for baptism. Just as Noah and his family were saved through the waters of the flood—not by their own efforts but by trusting in God’s provision—the waters of baptism now symbolize how we are saved, not by physical cleansing, but by the resurrection of Christ after descending to death. Baptism is not a mere ritual; it’s an outward sign of an inward grace, a pledge of a cleansed conscience made possible only through Jesus’ resurrection.

Increase Our Faith (BC 24; Luke 17:5-10)

Mr. Sen Zorilla exhorts us this evening from Luke 17:5-10.

The disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith. In response, Jesus tells them that even a small amount of faith, as small as a mustard seed, can achieve great things, such as uprooting a mulberry tree and planting it in the sea.

This passage emphasizes that faith takes hold of Christ’s victorious power. As we are united to Christ we seek to live in humble service to God and grow in comprehending that obedience to God is not about earning merit but fulfilling one’s duty in Christ’s power.

Should You Suffer in This Life (1 Peter 4:12-19)

Mr. Sen Zorilla exhorts us this morning from 1 Peter 4:12-19.

The Apostle Peter encourages Christians to be prepared for suffering, particularly for their faith. Suffering for Christ is framed as something to rejoice in, as it means sharing in His sufferings, which will eventually lead to glory when Christ returns.

Peter makes a distinction between suffering for doing wrong and suffering for doing good. He stresses that suffering for being a Christian is honorable and should not bring shame. Instead, believers should glorify God in the midst of their trials.

He concludes by reminding them that judgment begins with God's people, implying that believers must endure these tests faithfully. The passage ends with a call for those suffering according to God's will to continue entrusting themselves to God, the faithful Creator, while doing good.

The Spirit Protector (Isa. 4:6; BC 27)

Isaiah 4 presents a vision of hope and restoration following judgment. After describing the devastation of Israel due to sin, the chapter shifts to a promise of renewal for a purified remnant. The "Branch of the Lord," seen as the Messiah, will bring beauty and glory to the land. God will cleanse His people from their sins through judgment and refining, and afterward, His presence will dwell among them, offering protection and shelter like the cloud by day and fire by night that guided the Israelites in the wilderness. The assurance is that the Lord will protect us with his spirit.